Receive 12 months of workouts, strength circuits + challenges; a special welcome gift; monthly Ask the PT sessions; and so much more: all on one easily accessible app!
Chatting at an expo table with a runner who had just finished her first half-marathon on a hilly, challenging course, I—Dimity—asked her if she’d train for another.
“Yes,” she answered, “running just makes me happy.” By happy, she meant her whole self was more balanced, patient, strong, motivated, confident, and forgiving (both with herself and with others) after she ran. I signed her book ‘many happy miles’—a phrase since repeated countless times around these parts.
In 2018, we launched Many Happy Miles, the program: an annual membership that offers 365 days of fresh workouts, strong glutes, plenty of planks, and community galore.
Our seventh year includes a debut of 12 featured workouts coached by Dimity (via podcast) and second year of accountability buddies, in addition to what you already love: fresh workouts that feature inclusive cardio sessions, a community that loves to (virtually) sweat together, and extras to enhance all aspects of your life.


Every month, you’ll receive a fresh package of materials: cardio workouts (for runners, walkers, and cross-trainers); strength circuits; yoga, mobility, and other ways to keep your body healthy and moving forward.

We love to challenge you on a monthly basis: the focus varies from being strength-based (1,000 push-ups: surprisingly doable!) to mental health (a surprisingly effective 10-minute reset).

Physical therapist, runner, and coach Christy Diller hosts a live session monthly. Member Amanda: “I’m definitely renewing Many Happy Miles if Christy is coming back.” [She is!]
New for 2025: a monthly minute-by-minute workout coached by Dimity; you’ll receive it via a private podcast feed, and can listen to it as often as you’d like!

Take it from Many Happy Miler Karen: “The options for live strength [3x/week] are more than worth the membership price.”

“Cheering for ourselves when we go for a run or after the strength workout has meant so much to me,” says member Jenny of her buddy Kristi, “It’s a highlight of the program.”

All the workouts, strength videos, and monthly materials live on one simple, easy-to-use (promise!) app.

Pilates, yoga, CrossFit, Stick Mobility, training with heart rate: Many Happy Miles offers all kinds of exercise taste tests.

Got a marathon, an Olympic triathlon, or a Grand Canyon hike on your mind? Many Happy Miles chips in.

Your membership comes with the gift of your choice: from a tumbler to a tee, you can Many Happy Miles your way!
(We’ve got you!)

(You’re in good company!)

Many Happy Miles is a continuing annual membership.
When you register in December of 2024, your membership runs from January 1 to December 31, 2025.
On January 1, 2026, your membership renews unless you have canceled it.
Love it! Head here and purchase a gift card for $235.
We’d love to.
Many Happy Miles focuses on consistency, so our workouts are both mentally engaging and not too demanding, time-wise. In 2025, we will continue to offer inclusive the cardio workouts.
We’ll still have plenty of running workouts, of course, but we’ll also modify the workouts so they work if you’re a walker, or you’re using a piece of equipment at the gym like an elliptical or stationary bike.
Although the theme of each month varies, a typical week can include:
4-5 cardio workouts
- If you’re a runner or run/walker, cardio means a variety of runs, including easy runs, intervals, track work, tempo, and hill repeats;
- If you’re a walker, cardio includes intervals, varying intensities, and other ways to keep your pace brisk;
- If you’re a cross-trainer, cardio means pace changes, short + longer intervals, and form checks.
2-3 strength training sessions
- Every month, we have a fresh strength circuit: 8-10 moves based on a theme.
- Most circuits have the option of adding weights, but are also effective with simply body weight.
- We also offer live strength classes, taught by personal trainer Brandi Dockett and Dimity McDowell, 2-3x a week.
Restorative Activities
- Every month also incorporates a variety of restorative activities, including yoga, easy walks, and foam rolling
- 1 rest day
Length of workouts: We offer one longer cardio session on the weekends, where you can run, walk, or crosstrain up to 90 minutes; otherwise, no workout is longer than 60 minutes.
Each month has a featured strength circuit. We record that at the beginning of the month, and share it both in your Many Happy Miles membership online portal and in the Many Happy Miles app so you can do it at your convenience.
In addition, we have two to three live strength classes weekly; they are held at 8:30 am ET/5:30 am PT or 9 am ET/6 am PT over Zoom. If your schedule allows, we encourage you to join us—few things better than getting in a workout before the day gets going.
In addition, we have a full library of videos that include tools like the BOSU, Swiss Ball, resistance bands, and steps to mix things up: you’ll never be without strength options in Many Happy Miles!
There are a few pieces we recommend if you want to pick them up: a set of resistance bands and a 9-inch ball.
In addition, we include weights whenever possible, but we realize assembling sets of dumbbells can be expensive. If you see any at a garage sale or Craigslist—or your mom’s basement—grab ’em! A good place to start: 3, 5, 10, and 15 pounds.
Finally, if there is special equipment required for a certain month, we’ll give you a head’s up with enough time to borrow or buy it.
You will receive a link to the private workout podcast; you can listen as many times as you’d like.
There will be a new private podcast monthly, so you’ll have a collection of 12 workouts by the end of the year.
Yes! The Many Happy Miles program will set you up well to run a 5K or 10K. If you have a half-marathon or marathon on your mind, we encourage you to follow a specific training program so you can have a strong race day. (The yearlong 15% discount to the Train Like a Mother Club programs comes in handy there!)
That said, you can do the strength circuits and challenges in Many Happy Miles while you train, and we’ll be waiting for you after—and cheering for you as—you cross the finish line!
All Many Happy Miles members receive 15% off all training programs, including the seasonal programs like Fall into Fitness and Go the Distance!
All new and returning members have their choice of a membership gift with our fresh new logo: options include everything from a visor to a top, all of which come in a variety of colors.
After you register, you will receive an email explaining how to pick your item and have it shipped. We can ship to all international locations, including Canada.
Yes, we’d love to have you, and you’ll be able to receive your membership gift this year.
If you happen to have trouble registering, please email us at and we’ll help you get set up.
You will receive an email to choose your membership gift.
New members will receive an email within 1-2 days after placing their orders.
Returning members will receive an email between January 1-3.
Once you pick your gift, it should arrive within 7-10 days for domestic orders. International orders will take longer.
We are unable to provide any refunds after registration for Many Happy Miles.
You may cancel your membership so it does not autorenew on annually on January 1.