TRAINING PROGRAM: Nine Weeks: February 24-April 25
EVENT WEEKEND: April 26-27
BEST FOR: Anybody and everybody.
WHAT: Nine weeks devoted to increasing your cardiovascular base, culminating in a virtual distance challenge and celebration of moving forward.
Join us for Go the Distance, a training program and virtual event combo designed to help you build the confidence—and cardiovascular endurance—to step out of your comfort zone and go farther than you ever have.
STEP ONE: Spend nine weeks following our comprehensive training program focused on Zone 2 cardio, that lovely level of intensity that allows you to increase your aerobic capacity without flooding your system with cortisol or inviting injury.
You can build your cardiovascular fitness in ANY way, including running, run/walking, walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, rowing, ellipticaling, and any other medium you’d like. The training program focuses on your choice of primary activity for most of the weekly workouts, but you’ll mix it up with a variety of other cardio workouts, as well as strength and mobility circuits.
STEP TWO: Celebrate with the Go The Distance event, the weekend on April 26-27.
The event is simple: You choose an activity, choose a distance, and repeat it every 6, 12, or 24 hours. You can run, walk, hike, ride, Peloton, or any other activity you love to do. You can do it solo from your own house; with a posse of friends; or join one of the groups that will form with fellow participants.
No matter how you Go the Distance, you’ll rack up some significant mileage; be cheered on by—and cheer for—your fellow participants; chart and share your progress; take a step or two outside your comfort zone; and bask in that glorious sense of accomplishment that comes during a full, challenging day of forward movement.