BEST FOR: Anyone looking to learn clear, science-based information regarding fueling during workouts; hydration; pre-race + recovery nutrition; and supplements.
8 Weeks: June 17-August 4, 2024
While running itself is fairly straight forward—pick a program, a race, and put one foot in front of the other—fueling for running is not so simple.
To wit:
How many carbs do you need to consume during a half marathon? (More than you think!)
How many carbs should you eat before that half marathon? (Carb loading=a thing of the past.)
How much water and electrolytes are ideal for your individual, active body? (It varies wildly!)
Are there research-backed supplements that support your recovery and lifestyle? (Absolutely!)
Enter: Many Nutritious Miles, a straight-shooting program led by sports nutritionist Jenn Giles, MS, RDN, CSSD, endurance athlete and mother of four who helps athletes from youth hockey players to 100-mile runners optimize their nutrition.
Over the course of eight weeks, Jenn will help you dial your calories—and confidence. We’ll dive into sports nutrition products (and offer some DIY options) as you personalize what works best for you; test your sweat rate so you can be sure you’re getting enough hydration and electrolytes; detail optimal pre- and post-workout snacks; and give an overview of supplements that can be helpful—or harmful—to your active life.
In addition, Many Nutritious Miles: Sports Nutrition features:
• Healthy recipes for a pre-workout nosh and a post-workout healthy treat;
• An Ask Me Anything weekly column from Jenn to clarify any questions you have;
• Optional interactive elements if you want to go deeper into hydration (hello sweat test!); supplements; and sports nutrition;
• Two live Q + A calls to check in personally and connect with Jenn.
At the end of eight weeks, you will be confident in your nutritional choices around your workouts—and, as a result, feel stronger, more capable, and more energetic during them.