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The Train Like a Mother 10K Run, a 12-week plan, is best for someone tackling a 10K (6.2 miles) for the first time, coming back from injury or pregnancy, or wanting to run a strong effort on 10K race day and cross the finish line with a smile on her face.
The 5K: Run Program is designed to train you to run a 5K race (3.1 miles of awesome!). You’ll build endurance and stamina with long runs; build strength with heart-pumping circuits and challenging, fun workouts (no, that’s not an oxymoron); and increase your speed with intervals and hill workouts.
The 5K is the most welcoming and accessible running distance. Don’t let the shorter distance fool you, though: Running (and racing) a 5K can be crazy rewarding and just wee bit taxing. The good news? Training for a 5K can be as fulfilling as training for a longer race, but with less of a time commitment on your part.
A second set of eyes is always a good thing. whether you’re polishing up a work project or wondering if your living room should actually be painted orange.
Your running form is no exception. In fact, except for race pictures, you rarely see yourself running. While you can feel balanced and strong on the run, your body’s subtle movements, which a seasoned coach can see, may be telling a different story. If your right hip drops with every step, or your posture is too upright, or your arms are spaghetti-like, you may be setting yourself up for an inefficient run (at best) or a serious injury (at worst).Maybe you’re a newer runner, and want to plot out your upcoming year of races with an experienced coach.
Maybe you’ve had a disappointing race, and you need to talk through it—and get psyched for another training cycle. Maybe you’ve had a string of injuries, and are finally ready for an in-depth conversation about how to break the cycle. Maybe you’ve got your eye on a Boston-qualifying time, and need to know how to nab that sucker. Maybe you’re thinking of transitioning from runner to triathlete—or vice versa—and want help and want help laying out the steps (and strokes!) you’ll take. If you’re in one of these—or countless other what-do-I-do now—scenarios, a Coaching Consult is the perfect next step for you.You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix.
You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.The 5K is the most welcoming and accessible training cycle and race; the training program and race distance is perfect for those running for the first time or returning after some time off. As you train for your 5K, you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall strength with cross-training and other workouts that include hills (promise, they’re more fun than they sound!) and speedier sessions.
When you’re running on dirt through trees, not on pavement through suburbia, your spirit has the opportunity to truly soar. With cars, buildings, and other distractions to a minimum, you breath in the fresh air, flow through nature, and connect with your surroundings—and yourself—on a more fundamental level.
That said, running on trails can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before. Taking your miles off-road means adjusting your effort and paces; getting your body and running form ready for uneven, sometimes jarring terrain; acquiring the correct gear for more advanced trails; and having the basic skills to feel strong so you can run with confidence on all trails.Disney Races are truly magical events. After all, where else can you start under fireworks, kiss Prince Charming, joke around with Donald and Daisy, and Let It Go with Elsa, then cross a finish line and receive some serious bling?
However, two to four finish lines over as many days will not be magical if you are not properly prepared. If you’re slogging through the miles and barely able to muster a smile—let alone a bicep curl—for a shot with Wreck-It-Ralph, your Dopey or Goofy extravaganza will be memorable. Just not for the right reasons. With this 24-week, hands-on program starting on July 29, 2024, we’ve got your back and are laying a white-glove-clad, oversize hand firmly on it. The training plan we’ve created emphasizes both muscular and cardiovascular endurance and time on your feet: keys you’ll need to run every mile with a smile. But it's not all about the running. We'll be sure you're fueling properly for all your long runs. We’ll make sure your hips and glutes, typically the weak spots for most runners, are rock solid. We’ll have some fun too, brainstorming costume ideas and ideas. We'll entertain and educate you with podcasts and newsletters, and, of course, hit race strategies so that you not only enjoy your Dopey or Goofy Challenge, you’ll nearly fly during each mile. The end result? You feel primed and totally ready to run either challenge: The Dopey: 5K, then a 10K, then a half-marathon, then a marathon or the Goofy: a half-marathon then a marathon—no pixie dust required.