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Still I Run builds and nurtures a community of individuals dedicated to running for their mental health, encouraging everyone to take time out of their busy day to run or move for mental well-being. They work to promote the benefits of running, or any physical activity, for mental health, provide resources to educate and inspire, and dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness.
You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix.
You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.