BEST FOR: Those looking to complete a marathon with no time goals in mind
PREREQS: Some run/walk experience; completed a half marathon or two; the ability to run/walk at least 60 minutes straight; current weekly mileage from 15 - 20 miles per week; injury free and in the habit of strength training twice a week in order to protect against injury
The 26.2: Run/Walk the Distance program is designed for those looking to complete a marathon with no time goals in mind: it could be your first go at the distance, you might be returning from having a baby, or you want a kinder, gentler way to tackle 26.2.
You’ll be training with incrementally longer running to walking intervals; you’ll start at 4:1 run/walk intervals, and build to 15:2 by race day, long enough to slow down at the aid station and fuel up and then hit the ground running again. We’re going to keep the paces easy on this one, but we’re going to make sure you get in the mileage you need for a marathon. Each week will also include one long walk, which is factored into the weekly totals, so keep that in mind when you see the big numbers. You'll definitely get that same high crossing the finish line as your running sisters taking on more aggressive plans.