Suzanne and her 6th-grade daughter getting ready to put the November Project tribe-members through their workout.

Suzanne’s 6th grade daughter getting ready to put the November Project tribe-members through their workout.

Sarah and Dimity enjoy a good gab with Suzanne Allaire, founder and co-leader of November Project Philadelphia, one of the tribes of a free fitness movement. This high-energy mother runner shares all the details about November Project, including why these free workouts (currently offered in 26 cities across U.S. and Canada) involve lots of eye contact and hugs. In between laughing with the AMR ladies, Suzanne tells how November Project workouts “take the work out of the workout,” and include moves like “hoisties” and “bouncies.” Dimity and Sarah delight that the founders of November Project were also a duo of former collegiate rowers, like themselves.

Before they are joined by Suzanne, Dimity shares stories of a recent run with Olympic goddesses Kara Goucher and Alysia Montaño, and the mother runners share movie memories from their childhoods. They also talk up the most recent RockMyRun-AMR mix, available for free on RockMyRun app using code CHILL

Suzanne and her daughter doing hoisties with gusto!

Suzanne and her daughter doing hoisties with gusto!