Our Role Mothers have offered us advice, tips, and support on everything from training logs to nutrition, so it’s only natural we ask them…what keeps them going? Whether they’re trying to get up and go or keep one foot in front of the other, check out their running motivation tips and tell us if any of them resonate with you below in the comments section.

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Nicole, the regular runner
If I’m on a long run and hit a wall, I allow myself 20 seconds of Walk & Whine. This is 20 seconds (max) where I can walk (at a decent pace) and complain about the crappy run, the stinky weather, the guy ahead of me’s annoying green shirt—whatever I want to gripe about—but when the time is up, back at it, Blades! The little moment of bratty bitching typically gets my focus realigned and I’m ready to finish strong.

Tania, the sputterer
I’ll start singing my favorite jams and start dance running. That can quickly change my mood and energy level, and I just keep running.

Ashley, the beginner
In my toughest mile, my go-to phrase of encouragement is “She Believed She Could So She Did.” When I first took the plunge to start training for a half marathon, my sister-in-law, Melissa, gifted me a Momentum Jewelry Wrap with that very phrase on it.  All it takes during each run is a simple glance down at my wrist to remind me that I can conquer anything I put my mind to.

Pam, the grandmother
On tough runs, I think about my family. I think of my mom’s Grandma GG, whose husband died in a farm accident when their twins were just 6 months old and my grandpa was 2 years old. And how she went to work to provide for her family. I think of my husband’s Great Grandma Bertha, who told me on her wedding day they took a horse and buggy to the town to get on a train to ride to the big city of Wichita to get married. I could go on and on. By thinking about the lives they lead, I stop thinking about the run. And I feel each one of them cheering me on!

Melissa, the marathoner
When I’m at mile 25, I’m usually thinking, “Sweet mother of God, Mary, Joseph, and whoever else is currently keeping me upright, just exactly how long is 1 POINT 2 miles anyway? Please mirage of a finish line, come closer!!”

Sarah, the triathlete
When I need a motivation, I call a BRF (or, in my case, a BTF—Best Training Friend) and meet up for a run, bike, or swim. Surrounding myself with strong, ambitious athletes is all the motivation I need!

What helps you stay motivated? Tell us below.