Welcome to a second edition of our new column: Move of the Month.

Each month, we are going to showcase one (interesting, fun) move from an expert Train Like a Mother Coach that most runners can easily add to their routine to make their bodies more prepared for the miles.

This month, we’re hitting the hamstrings with Coach Amanda Loudin, who leads the traditional challenges in the Train Like a Mother Club. The Nordic Hamstring Curl, a move she does herself, is simple yet effective move to strengthen your hamstrings, crucial to a healthy stride.

(Miss last month’s BOSU Wibble Wobble? Grab it here!)


A few pointers from Coach Amanda, who learned this move from her PT, Gene Shirokobrod from Recharge in Columbia, MD.

First: Ensure your lower legs/feet are secured to the ground, either via someone holding onto them or by sticking them under the end of your bed, a fixture at the gym or some other piece of stable furniture.

Two: Avoid hinging at the hip–you want one straight, firm line from your head to your legs as you perform the movement.

I recommend doing this move two to three times each week, whether to fatigue or in a couple of sets of 8-10 reps. Do it just prior to a run for the added bonus of engaging your glutes.