SBS doing PT while cookies bake (photo by Phoebe, 8)

Maybe it’s hormones or maybe it’s hard-wiring, but I am convinced moms are unable to sit idle or only perform a single task. While I talk on the phone, I put away laundry or make my kids’ bed. I set my alarm clock and lay out running clothes while brushing my teeth. And there’s always the classic: folding laundry while watching “Survivor.” (Leaving me feeling like maybe having only one pair of shorts, undies, and sports bra wouldn’t be so rough…)

Now I have a new activity to add to the multi-task mix: doing physical therapy exercises. Knock on wood, I’ve been injury free during all of my marathon-training cycles (sorry, Dimity!), but I finally decided it’s time to pay attention to my nagging left Achilles tendon. Ever since I resumed running after the twins’ birth in summer 2005, that spot has been my, well, Achilles heel. It never out-and-out hurts, but it hums and huffs on a fairly regular basis. It had been lying dormant for quite a while, but as I started training for the Big Sur Marathon, it started acting up again. While meeting with a physical therapist for a magazine assignment, I asked him about my heel and he told me of a protocol that has 100% success rate. Sold!

Only hitch in my giddy-up? It involves doing 6 x 15 repetitions twice a day. Each session takes 8 to 10 minutes. I realize that’s not a ton of time, but it means I’m now setting my alarm that much earlier. But in the spirit of mommy multi-tasking, I quickly realized I can mix the exercises (basically, calf raise on my good leg, then lowering myself on the sore ankle, all while perched on a step) with making the kids’ lunches or cooking dinner. Last night, I did two sets of the exercises, then basted the chicken, then a few more sets and put the broccoli in the microwave. This morning I brought in the paper, and then mixed in some much-needed ab exercises. Maybe I should try blogging in between sets…

Something tells me I’m not the only mom being pulled in multiple directions (while trying to stretch!)…