I am officially DONE with treatment for breast cancer. Well, I’m not sure if I’ll ever really be done because it will always weigh in the back of my mind, but from a medical perspective, I’m finished. I had my last Herceptin treatment and my port removed a few weeks ago. Yay!

This summer, my three kiddos were flower girls at their Grammy Fran’s wedding.

Now I am following a training plan 100%, I have #noexcuses to get it done, at least not any medical ones. However, training in the summertime is TOUGH when you have three kids at home, right? Here are a few tips I’ve found that work for me. You’ve heard all of these before, but maybe they will be a good reminder for you!

  • I run first thing in the morning before my husband goes to work and usually before my kids are awake. It means that I have to get to bed early (which is hard during the summer) but so worth it when I get the miles in before I find excuses not to go.

Enjoying a summer evening with this guy.

  • We’ve been traveling a lot this summer and I’ve done my best to hike, run, or take long walks to get the miles in. I was just in Chicago this past weekend and, instead of meeting a friend for lunch, we met for a Soul Cycle class instead. #doublewin
  • Take advantage of the kids care at the pool or gym. I usually feel too guilty to put my kids in kids’ care because of the cost and I don’t want to leave them. But I give myself a break during the summer. I know I’m a better Mom when I get a workout in.
  • If I can only go for 25 minutes, I don’t beat myself up about it. Something is better than nothing!
  • Run with a friend. We all know that having a BRF is the best way to hold yourself accountable. I’m not going to bail on my friend who is waiting for me at 5:45 in the park – but if I was going by myself, I’m very tempted to roll over and snooze a little longer.
  • Load up your playlist or download some podcasts. If I know that I have something good to listen to (Hello, AMR!), I know the time will fly by.
  • Buy some new workout clothes. Next time you’re at your favorite store, grab that new shirt on sale and throw it in your basket. Call me superficial, but a new outfit always gets my pumped up for a run!

What tips can you share about getting your workout in when summer intrudes?