Running has changed. Not just the odd looks I get from passers-by as I wobble – I mean run – but also in the fact that I have had to adapt my gear. During my first pregnancy I was anti-maternity pants. Why was I against them? Who the heck knows? Lesson learned. Maternity pants are the fashion world’s gift to expecting mothers.

With BOB2, I was barely showing and I was digging through storage to find those amazing stretch-waisted pants so I could actually be comfortable. While I commend the first time expecting moms who squeeze their way into their pre-pregnancy pants, this mama is living in comfort. This comfort includes my workout gear, too. Workout gear tends to have a little more give than everyday clothing, yes, but my pants….oofta. I shimmied them below my growing belly and it just didn’t work. I am not certain what was pushing on my bladder more: the baby or the pants. I gave in quickly.

Once I caved, I immediately realized that many stores and I did not see eye-to-eye on what is considered “see-through.”  This belly is drawing more than enough attention, I do not need the world seeing my undies, too. I tried sizing up. I tried dark colors. I tried asking mom blogs. No luck. I finally searched Instagram for fitness coaches who were pregnant so that I could stalk their pants. Conclusion, they were wearing Gap Full Panel Black Out capris. I had to try them and I did. I now literally live in these leggings and no one sees my undies. Worth every penny.

The pants I run and live in.

Once I solved the pants issue, I thought, maybe, the bladder issue while running would subside, too. Big nope. BOB2 must really enjoy our runs together and shows his/ her appreciation by kicking my bladder. It felt as if I could pee my pants at any given moment. Plus, we just moved so I am running in literally new territory. New neighbors, new sights, and zero knowledge of port-o-potty locations. I did not want to be the new neighbor who peed her pants on the sidewalk.

I consulted my OBGYN and she ordered up a maternity belt. My first run with the belt felt just like a new pair of running shoes. It was glorious. The belt’s not pretty but it hides under my clothes and does the trick. I am certain I would not be running at 6 months pregnant if I didn’t have it. It gives baby BOB2 just enough lift to keep me comfortable and moving.

My running belt and cute dog, Penny Lane.

The last item of gear I had to adapt was my sports bra. My chest is growing as fast as my belly. For a few weeks, I thought I could get away with stuffing the girls into my normal sports bras but that didn’t last long. Not only was it not comfortable,as a bonus I couldn’t breathe. I stuck with what I knew, an AMR recommendation from when I first started running. I just sized up my go-to favorite, the Saucony Rock-It sports bra.

I am sure adaptations vary person to person, but one thing that I could not recommend enough is to feel good, pregnant or not. With my first pregnancy I cared more about style than comfort. Now with BOB2, I want to feel good. When you feel good, whether that means comfort or cute gear, it makes the rest so much easier.

Reesie Roo rocking a cute workout headband.