Time to make the toast–and then get out on a run.

We mother runners love our carbs and coffee, as evidenced by this outtake of Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line – and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity. Sadly, we had to discard it down the disposal when the original tome was the size of a dozen eggs plus a loaf of bread and a grande latte. But we didn’t grind it up, thankfully, so you can read it here today without any eggshells in it.

Take It From A Mother: What’s your favorite pre-run snack/meal?

“I have a Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein Mocha Cappuccino as soon as I wake up (to get things moving) and a Snicker’s Marathon Bar in the car on the way to a race.”
—Amber (likes to race once a month)

“A bowl of oatmeal with flax seed, Craisins, and maple syrup, and a banana, if I’m not too full.”
—Caryn (typical headwear for a run: a high ponytail and a “very crusty, salty, ‘Life is Good’ visor”)

“Greek yogurt, granola, eight ounces of water, coffee, banana, and GU.”
—Christy (drinks chocolate milk, iced coffee, banana, and peanut butter smoothie after a hard run, unless her husband greets her with a falafel)

Little. Orange. Different. And better than any drug.

“My ritual breakfast is Diet Pepsi, a banana, and half of a bagel.”
—Julie (nickname: “Bloody Sock” due to torn up toes and propensity to blister)

“Toast with peanut butter and banana with honey on it.”
—Tryna (schedules a few annual weeks of rest)

Dave’s Killer Bread, toasted with almond butter and jam, and coffee.”
—Vanessa (drinks water with Airborne during runs. “Maybe it helps, maybe it’s just refreshing.”)

“A Clif Bar, or if it’s a long run, I’ll eat a whole-wheat waffle with Greek yogurt and almond butter on top about an hour before the run.”
—Lesley (started running while in the Peace Corps. “My friend convinced me I needed to ‘earn my shower.’”)

“Two scrambled eggs, a slice of toast with PB and lots of H2O or sports drink if it’s going to be a humid day.”
—Amanda (hangs her race numbers in her bathroom closet so she sees them every morning)

“Coffee to get things moving, and banana or bagel with peanut butter.”
—Corrie (runs so she feels less guilty about eating Oreos, which she, “will eat anyway.”)

“Nothing. I get sick if I eat before a run.”
—Andrea (pre-race ritual: kissing her husband)

 Taking it to you mothers: what’s your favorite pre-run snack or meal? (Extra points heading into a long weekend if you add a random fact about your running.)