whyirunKathyRThis is my attempt at creativity (from a Colgate biology major who shied away from any classes that required essays!):
An Ode to Running …
How do I love thee, let me count the ways …
I love the feeling of strength at the end of a long run.
I love the sense of accomplish after I push to a new PR or new distance.
I love watching the sun rise on morning runs when everyone at home is still sleeping.
I love seeing my kids’ faces at the end of a race.
I love that my husband supports my efforts even when it sucks for him.
I love how the perfect song comes on my iPod at the perfect moment in a tough run.

This is at the half-marathon where I tore my Achilles tendon right before the finish. I am on the left and my friend Kelly Knight is on the right.

This is at the half-marathon where I tore my Achilles tendon right before the finish. I am on the left and my friend Kelly Knight is on the right.

I love talking to other runners about running and training.
I love picking up my packet before a race.
I love exploring race EXPOs.
I love running skirts and how flattering they are to my legs.
I love a great sports bra.
I love ice baths after a long run, at least once they are over.
I love having a training plan so I can stay on track.
I love the tribe of mother runners who support my running.
I love being a badass mother runner!!

Want to read more Why I Runs? Go here.  
Want to submit a Why I Run? Guidelines here.