AMR’s Role Mothers span the running spectrum: some are racing pros and have double-digit marathon medals at home, while others are just beginning their race careers. But they’re all reaching for something. We asked them for their marathon/big race training advice for anyone out there slogging through the highs and lows of racing prep. Read below and add your own in the comments section.

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Sarah, the triathlete
Find your accountabilibuddies! (No I did not make that word up!) The actual act of running a marathon is mostly solitary, but the journey to get to the starting line will be much more doable if you have a solid support system. Gather a tribe of running friends who will keep you accountable, whether it’s a group from your neighborhood you can log a few miles with or a more structured training group. The miles will go by much faster when you have company along for the run, plus you’ll feel so much more motivated to get out there at zero dark thirty when you have someone waiting for you. Prefer to run solo? You can always request that your non-runner BFF or a close relative shoots you a text to nudge you when it’s time for you to head out for that long run. Because when you have someone to explain why you’re skipping your run, you’re more likely to just get it done.



Ashley’s sticker rewards!

Ashley, the beginner
Plan your weekly training out ahead of time. If you know you have sand volleyball on Monday nights, make sure you plan another time to get your run in. Also, reward yourself for runs completed! I go and pick out really obnoxious stickers and give myself one after I complete each run!


Melissa in September, gettin’ pumped for marathon-training (and football) season.

Melissa, the marathoner
Training for your first marathon can be all consuming, so my advice is to allow yourself a little wiggle room, and don’t beat yourself up if you miss a few workouts. It is actually possible to enjoy the journey and process of marathon training, and as daunting as it is, there is much to learn and appreciate in the process. Look for and savor those first time moments, like your first run over 13 miles, or when you successfully get your fueling down pat. Finally, take time to pat yourself on the back now and again and marvel at the fact your body is  going to run a marathon. A MARATHON!

Pam, the grandmother
The best advice I have for someone beginning marathon training, or for that matter any race training, is to include some strength training two or three times a week. It can help reduce injuries.

Tania, the sputterer
Give your family a heads up. Let them know mama is training for something important! I found that family support is crucial. I couldn’t have done it alone, but it’s the most amazing feeling crossing that finish line!

Have any additional words of wisdom to offer to newbie racers out there? Share below!