We are happy to announce the seven runners who will join captain + coach Jenn Gill at Ragnar Los Coyotes on November 8-9.
Thank you to all who entered the contest; we loved reading all the essays and putting together a team that will maximize teamwork, laughter and miles on the trails.
Congrats, BAMRS! Enjoy the training and your adventure!
Sarah Nemeth
Number of kiddos: 1 daughter
City, State: Santa Maria, CA
Running rationale: “Originally, I started running high school cross country because it was an ‘easy’ sport to pick up….I kept it up in college….As life got more complex (work, marriage, kid, etc.), the miles have gotten longer but still help me find my personal peace and come back to everyone with a clearer head.”
Abby Leach
Number of kiddos: 1 fur-baby
City, State: Albert Lea, MN
Running rationale: “About two years ago, I had to have a major back surgery and was told I may never run again. I proved Mayo wrong: Since then, I’ve run eight half-marathons and one marathon. I am also in the process of getting a half-marathon up and going this fall and making it an annual thing. I love the people and community that running brings out.”
Beth Pottle
Number of kiddos: 2 daughters
City, State: Wilmington, NC
Running rationale: “To fill the void in my heart as my baby goes off to college this fall, I have been training for my eighth marathon. When I saw the Ragnar adventure it occurred to me that I am perfect for this team:I am strong, energetic, fully heat adapted, free from daily parenting demands and I love new adventures. Since all of my kids are grown, I need a new group to cheer on and encourage.”
Diane Doeing Cota
Number of kiddos: 3 sons
City, State: Naperville, IL
Running rationale: “I am a mother runner with three boys ages 8, 6, and 2; I’m married to a wonderful man. And I work as a full-time physician in a practice with eight men. So I need more ladies in my life. I think this would be a great opportunity to train and explore some beautiful trails with amazing women.”
Stephanie Bacon
Number of kiddos: 2 tweens
City, State: Boston, NY
Running rationale: “I love running, but am usually a one (wo)man wolf pack. Trying to coordinate schedules and paces has made it soooo difficult to find a BRF. Then, in 2018, I ran the Seneca 7 relay and had the time of my life: Who knew being in a van with seven other people, sharing snacks, sweat, odors, and stories could be so enjoyable?!?!?”
Rhianna Stave
Number of kiddos: 4 daughters
City, State: Roseville, MN
Running rationale: “This race will be part of my Year of 40, showing myself what I am capable of as an athlete after turning 40 in July. I have done so many things outside my comfort zone in running: my first winter half marathon (-9F!); first AMR retreat and first marathon in May (thanks AMR Retreat Eau Claire!); my first 25K trail race; and I will be running back-to-back half marathons in October as part of the I-35 Challenge. This will be my first trail Ragnar!”
Somer Brown
Number of kiddos: 2 daughters
City, State: Lake Charles, LA
Running rationale: “I run to give thanks to God for where I was, where I’ve come, and to remind me not to take one single minute for granted. There is nothing I cannot do. I cherish the body I have been given and its ability to do amazing things. I want to be a strong–inside and out–female role model for my girls. I want them to do hard things and scary things and not look at anything as impossible. I want to do a Ragnar because I know I can–even if I’m scared.”
What a great team!! Go get Ragnar,
BAMRs! Can’t wait to read all about it!
Congratulations, BAMR’s! You are all awesome. And a special shout out to Abby, currently bed-bound at home with herniated discs, not sure what the future will bring, you give me hope!
Congratulations ladies – you all are going to have an amazing time!! Jen Gill is the best and the Los Coyotes course was beautiful (even in the dark)!
Ladies- Congratulations! You will have a blast, I’m certain. In September 2014, I was selected to run with AMR on the Napa Ragnar team and it honestly changed my life. Prepared for an amazing adventure and enjoy it all!
Wow, what an amazing adventure! An incredible team, and an incredible add to your Year of 40, Rhianna!