Sarah and Dimity sIt down in person in Houston with Megan Saloom, a 2016 Olympics Marathon Trials runner who is now a new mother, then the AMR duo gabs with Calum “Cal” Neff, a super-speedy father runner who holds two world records for pushing a running stroller in races. The two pro runners were hours away from running the Houston Marathon (Megan) and Houston Half-Marathon (Calum. Spoiler alert: He PR’d!).
With her adorable 6-month-old son in the audience with his dad, Megan shares details of running while pregnant, including oversharing that “every day was a different experience” with her bladder! She gives advice about returning to running post-partum. Megan talks about DNF’ing the Olympic Trials; reminding us “running is not an overnight success,” she talks about the importance of patience.
Next up is father of three Cal, who describes how pushing a stroller in races allows him to combine his passions for running and being a father. He shares stroller-running tips that apply to any pace runner as well as cold-weather dressing advice. Learn a snappy Canadian phrase, and what it means to “be modular in your gear.” Get a bit misty-eyed when he says that on his two world-record-setting race days, he was a dad above all else. “You’re always a parent first.” (Let’s make this man an honorary mother runner!)
In the intro, Dimity and Sarah share their Houston adventures. Megan hops into the conversation at 10:52.
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