There’s the running of the miles and the logging of the miles. For some, the latter is just as crucial as the former. It’s how you see performance, improvement, weak spots, and reflect on the work. Here, our Role Mothers explain if and how they keep track of running and/or training. Maybe you’ll find a kindred logging spirit in the bunch, or even a new way to keep track of it all.

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Pam, the grandmother
About two years ago I got a FitBit and love that it syncs with Strava. Since I was picked to be a #RoleMother, I have been using Strava. I have toyed with the idea of keeping a written journal, but I have never been good at writing things down and electronic logs are so easy to scroll through to compare numbers. I go back and check numbers on occasion, usually comparing races. I also try to note how well a run went in the description.

Ashley, the beginner
My husband gifted me my Garmin for my birthday and it has been extremely helpful in pushing myself to run longer and faster. I log my runs with it, which sends the data to Strava. The community of runners is fantastic, especially those in the TLAM Club. You can see who is running that same long 10 miler as you, or find motivation in those runners training for full marathons that just demolished 18 miles!

Melissa, the marathoner
These days, I plan my running days well in advance, and for many years they have simply all fallen on the same days—so not too much logging involved. But things are about to change: I’ll be joining a wave of the Heart Rate Training Club soon and will use the plan to keep track of my runs, which will be a change of pace for me!

Nicole, the regular runner
I log all workouts (runs and barre/pilates) on an app on my phone called Digifit. I also wear a FitBit and keep track of my exercise/runs that way. Over the years I’ve tried a few different running apps, but have been digging Digitfit since 2013. To be honest, I don’t typically look back at past workouts I’ve tracked unless I’m training for a race or I’m embarking on this birthday thing I started doing last year. (I try to get in at least 150 miles between January 1 and March 8. Don’t know why I started it, but it’s my little quiet thing I do.)

Sarah, the triathlete
I love a good, old-school calendar notebook. Each night, I try to take a few minutes to write down the results of my workout from that day. I love to use Strava as well just for the interaction with other runners (who doesn’t love getting kudos after a great workout?!), but it’s also effective to have a tangible reminder of my efforts. Before a big race, I tend to review the past few months of training to remind me all of the work I’ve done and give me a bit of a confidence boost.

Tania, the sputterer
I’m a little relaxed with logging my training, because really I rely on my Garmin. I save my runs and then I’ll go over the data about once a month just to see how my runs compare. My sister did give me a running journal/calendar, though, that I’ve started using. The journal reminds me that, “Hey, you haven’t run enough this week, you should probably get on that.”

We want to know: Do you keep a running log? If so, what’s your preferred format?