In what Molly dubbed a “dogcast,” Sarah and her veterinarian-by-profession running partner Molly focus on running with a dog. Their first guest, Mark Stockamp, is a professional dog runner who has logged (dogged?!) more than 2,500 miles with furry friends in less than three years. Mark tells what breeds are best for running—and why fur length is important; he also tells tips for helping your pooch deal with hot temperatures (and pavement). This pro offers creative poop-scooping ideas, and he and Molly bond over something Molly is “morally opposed” to doing. Mark shares training tips and advice about leash length. Next the BRFs are joined by Amanda Loudin, a mother runner of two human children and one fur baby, a whippet named Tori. Amanda and Molly bond over being owners of “reactive” dogs before the conversation veers toward Santa’s Little Helper of “The Simpsons” fame. Amanda, a certified running coach, and Molly dispense tips about when to first start running with a dog. Interwoven throughout the podcast are Voice Memos from mother runners who run with a dog (or two).
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I can’t wait to listen to this podcast. We just adopted a Blue Heeler to become my walking/hiking/running buddy. Plus my security guard when my husband travels for his job! Love your podcasts!
I ran with several of my dogs( labs and rottweilers) and have used a bandana that had gel in it. You wet it and keep it in the fridge. We mostly would run in the woods which has shade during the summer.
Just listened to episode 226. Loved it! I’ve been running with dogs since 1991. My current four-legged running pal is my border collie mix, Rudy. We adopted him in 2007 and he’s going strong 9 years later. Rudy taught me two big lessons about how to handle a dog who is reactive to other dogs when on leash. #1 When I run with Rudy, or any other dog, I am a handler first and a runner second. #2 Handlers can reduce the reactivity with consistency and patience. Rudy and I have a deal: if he sees another dog and stays calm (ideally he looks at me), he gets a treat he can’t resist. At first, he needed help to stay calm when we were a good 50 or 75 yards from another dog. Now he waits for his treat until we are passing by. Some passes are one-treaters, some need 3 or 4. I put the treats in a ziplock back held in my leash hand. I carry a few treats in my free hand. Rudy and I love Zuke’s Naturals. He loves the taste, I love that they are pea-sized and stay intact despite being subjected to a sweaty palm and gripped firmly while in the ziplock. I fold up (unused) plastic poop-bags and tuck them into the waistband of my shorts. The waist band is snug enough to hold them in place. When the time comes, and with Rudy that’s a guaranteed 2-3 times/hour, I tug one out and then carry the bag to the nearest trashcan. I’m fortunate to live close to Lake Murray, which is part of San Diego’s Mission Trails Park. Last suggestion for reactive dog parents: check out Leslie McDevitt’s “Control Unleashed” book or better yet, the 3-dvd set. It was a game changer in my running journey with Rudy.
Mission Trails park has a lot of trashcans and many points on the course with free dog poop bags (and outhouses). It’s a great place to run!