My turn to play along with the 10-question game SBS started last week.
1. Best run ever: That’s a really hard one to start with. Ever? Well, some of my most fond running memories are on the Dale Ball Trails in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with my sometimes reluctant running partner, Dharma. (When she didn’t want to go any farther, she’d just pull up in the middle of the trail and not move, then look at me like I was crazy when I called her to keep coming. Glad I usually remembered to bring treats–and a leash.) The trails, which were a 7 minute drive from my house, are super interesting: lots of ups and downs and turns, plenty of options to vary the route, plus they wind through some lovely high desert landscape. Looking back, I didn’t know how good I had it.
2. Three words that describe my running: Necessary. Delicious. Frustrating.
3. My go-to running outfit is: the lucy Endurance Skirt and–SBS will cringe in horror when she reads this–but I do love running in a cotton tee for shorter runs. My current fave is an old Larabar tee from my sis. And I must put in a plug for the brand new Champion Smoothie bra. Did five miles in this smoothie on Saturday morning and loved it. Easy back clasp, great wicking, adjustable straps. Easily my new fave bra.
4. Quirky habit while running: more like disgusting habit, but I am queen of air snots. When SBS and I run with a group of people, I often forget that I’m not by myself–or with my friends who know my nasal habits–andI blow away unannounced. I usually apologize quickly afterwards.
5. Morning, midday, evening: gotta be the a. to the m. There are very few instances where I would lace up at 7 p.m., but I do like a lunch run, especially in the winter.
6. I won’t run outside when it’s: I should say icy, because I learned my lesson when I broke my wrist a few years ago; I went down hard at the end of a trail run in a glass-like canyon. But really, it’s gusty wind that I hate the most. I’m not sure I’d call my run for it, but I’d definitely curse it the entire way. (Until it was at my back, giving me crazy fast splits, of course.)
7. Worst injury—and how I got over it: What week are we talking about? I jest, but there’s a reason why I wrote the injury chapter in both Run Like a Mother + Train Like a Mother. My current issue: a crazy pulled shoulder blade/crick in my neck from the swim or the bike of last week’s Aqua Bike. Nothing like not being able to turn your head to back the car out of the garage.
8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when: I’ve been letting this one marinate in my mind over the past week, and I can’t come up with just one moment. Because every run I do makes me feel badass. Honestly. There’s something so deliberate and self-accountable about a run. I decided/forced myself to go. I ran up hills and past people in cars and in the dark. And I was responsible for every step, every drop of sweat. That, to me, is just badass. In this world, where there are so many outs and excuses, and in my world, where almost every else I do during the day involves somebody else, any run lets me pin an invisible badass badge to my chest and summon it when I need confidence, patience, or strength during the day.
9. Next race is: The Bear Chase Trail Race, half-marathon style please. Doing it with my bro-in-law Tom, my husband Grant, and possibly my pal Bine. Should be fun and relaxed, as most trail races are. Following up that with the Medtronic TC 10 Mile the next weekend. I’ll barely dip into double digits while SBS takes on the whole enchilada. I’m pretty sure I have the better deal.
10. Potential running goal for 2013: My only goal for 2013 is to get to the starting line and the finish line of the Ironman Couer d’Alene healthy and smiling.
I’m going to tag three people: my pal from ZOOMA Annapolis Cynthia, who is going through a rough patch with injuries; and my ultrarunner pal Katie, just because I must know what her best run ever is. (No weaseling out of it, like I did, Katie!) And our mother’s helper, Heather, because, well, we need to know what her running goal is for 2013 so we can plan accordingly.
Despite what my kids might think, I don’t play favorites. We want to read YOUR answers. So if you haven’t already, feel free to post your 10 answers to your blog and link back here–and post in the comments below so we can read them! (We’re slowly making our way through them…) Plus, if you’re a tweeter, send it to us at @dimityontherun and @Sbsontherun, and we’ll be sure to give it some twitter love!
Happy Monday, all; here’s to a great start of the week. xo.
Oh, I love this! Dimity, two of your three words are the same as mine . . . in the same order! Check it out (oh, and my blog post has a great photo of us from the AMR house party!)
I still need to do mine! Loved reading Dimity’s. Running IS Delicious…good word
I played along last week, it was a neat way to summarize my first summer (6 months now) of running!
Okay, Okay, I’ll play along :) (Nice rack, by the way, Dimity!) Look for my responses on my blog next week. ♥
Here’s a link to my answers. Thanks for tagging me.
Oooh, gusty wind. That’s a good one. You can’t beat that feeling of hitting a brick wall out of nowhere.
I like to run but at my age my knees are screaming.
Ouch, hope your neck/shoulder pull heals fast! I can empathize from recent experience on how difficult it makes backing out, merging, etc. :(
Anyway, I played along too. Here you go:
I love your responses, loved your book still want to read the first one. I’m pulling out my ‘Running Bible’ aka Train Like A Mother to help get me train for my second half. It’s rough when you take the whole summer+ off. BTW, I changed my blog name/domain from to not that you read it. Ha. :)
Here are my 10 question answers…thanks, it was fun. :) Jessica
Love these, especially #8!
Here are mine…it was fun!
Ok – here’s mine!!
I love reading all of the responses!
Here are mine:
This is so fun!
Your dogs are Gorgeous! My questions answered
Love your answers! And running is so very very necessary. ;o)
My answers…
Here are my answers ;)
Love reading these – but somehow these posts make me feel like I’m
supposed to have a blog. I’ve been running for
over 20 years…maybe in my spare time I’ll
start one. LoL!
Alright, here’s mine!
Deep envy of your dog. My cat doesn’t like running with me ;)
My answers are here…
Running is so delicious! Great response.:)
Here’s my answers:
Thanks for the fun Mama’s!
Here are my answers:
It was therapeutic to answer the questions!
I finally got into the game!!
Here’s mine:
These are so great! I’ve got mine up and posted now too.
I agree, that first question is a tough one to start out with! I played too!
Love your running partners! So precious!!
Dimity – you tagged me, I answered:
Fun learning more about you, and yes, you look so bodacious in the bra pic. Loved that you posted it!
– Heather
I loved reading both AMR answers! I also had a good laugh reading through others (including SUARs). I have posted mine at
Loved, loved, loved your answer for the badass question. That sums up why I run.
Good luck at TC 10, love that race :)
Finally got around to answering the questions!