This week on the AMR podcast, Sarah and I talked with three mother runners who, like me, are on a quest to run in all 50 states. We discovered some of us are more organized than others. For example, Penny has a firm plan. At best, I have a loose organizing principle.
Assuming my ability to comfortably (for reasonable definitions of “comfort”) complete a half marathon lasts into my 60s, I have about 15 years to snag the remaining 40 states I need. If I’ve done the math correctly, if I can knock off three or four a year, I’ll get to all 50 states before my body says no mas. In 2019, the three states I checked off were Wisconsin, Louisiana, and Arizona. I’d been toying with squeezing in the Rehoboth Seashore Half on December 7 but wanted to see how all of the downhill in Tucson felt before I committed to a race just a couple of weeks later.
After running down Mt Lemmon, I felt pretty good, all things considered. That quickly morphed into feeling kind of terrible once the endorphins wore off but a decent night’s sleep and some ibuprofen propped me up by Sunday morning. I wouldn’t say I wanted to run 13.1 more miles right then. I could, however, imagine the possibility that I might want to in a few weeks.
That morning, shortly after watching the NYC marathon with BRF Lisa, I flipped my laptop open to register for Rehoboth. Which, I discovered, was full. The half holds less than 2000 runners — and the race is a popular one, made even more so by being voted a favorite in the state. Rather than spend time kicking myself for not jumping in sooner, I added my name to the waiting list. The fates would decide if I’d be running it this year.
I promptly forgot all about it, what with re-entering my actual life after three successive weekends away. While I was galavanting around the country, our household routine hit its usual late fall level of chaos. My husband was in weeks worth of evening rehearsals, as was my daughter, who was Juror #2 in her high school’s production of Twelve Angry Jurors. At my actual job, I had to get a print publication into the proofing stage. My son … well, I’m never sure what my son is up to. He’s 14. He seems to be fine.
I laced up and ran through it all, because that is what I do. Every single one of those runs was decidedly meh, especially after the really cold weather moved in. Maybe, I thought, Tucson took more out of me than expected. After a tedious Saturday six miler, I decided it was a good thing that Rehoboth was full. The idea of doing twice that distance plus a little made me want to cry a little, then barf.
You can guess where this is going.
Shortly after that terrible, very bad, no good six-mile run, I got the email letting me know that my number had come up. I had 24 hours to decide if I wanted the spot or not. My first inclination was “not.” Hauling myself to Delaware and back again to run for a couple of hours didn’t seem like fun. I texted my husband to let him know I was 85 percent certain I would not be making the trip.
Then I started to poke around the race’s website. Since there’s also a full marathon, both it and the half have a seven-hour time limit, which I’m pretty sure I could manage even if I walk the whole way. Heck, I might even be able to stop for a real lunch. The maps showed how much of the course was either along the shore or on trails. Trails are my favorite. Plus the shore in December shouldn’t be too hot.
Even with all of that on its side, I still wasn’t sure I could work up any enthusiasm for the actual running. In search of guidance, I opened my dilemma up to Facebook, which might be the closest our age has to consulting an oracle. Most commenters said to just do it because the fates decided for me. One sage pointed out that, with striving toward 50 races, a few of them will be run when I’m not totally feeling it.
Because of that last suggestion, I pulled the trigger and paid my money. Barring last-minute weirdness, I’ll be in Rehoboth on Dec. 7. And if the fates are feeling truly kind, running friend Marianne will be there with me. Once she found out about my last-minute plan, she put her name on the waiting list, too. May the odds be ever in her favor.
Good luck in DE, my home state! Just don’t call it the shore, though. Delaware beaches >> Jersey Shore!
Thanks for the tip! Beach, not shore. Got it.
#39 as of this morning! Here’s hoping!
Hope you enjoy your time in our “small wonder”. I haven’t done the Rehoboth race but have heard great things about it. And it’s a great time to be at the beach. No crowds!
This is a really popular race for great reasons – well organized, great setting, and lots of great people. Hope the weather lords look kindly and you’ll have a great experience. One thing for sure – you will make the most of the experience and have great stories to tell in the end!!
I’m used to a certain amount of mayhem from the weather lords…
It was meant to be…and your body, if you take care of it, will NOT say “No Mas” in your 60s. I am 66 and have been running for over 48 years. I can still enjoy a good 6 miler in the mornings and enter 70.3 tris every other year…the secret is yoga and strength training. You can thank me later! ;-)
Good to know! Thanks.
Good luck! I’ve been toying with the 50 states half idea. I even briefly considered the marathon map but that would put me into my 80s even if I upped it to 3 a year. I’ll be rooting for you!
Yes. Entered the NYC Marathon lottery for 2020. Wasn’t planning on a marathon. But if the odds choose me, I have no choice, right?
Yes! Tossed my name in to the hat for the Twin Cities 10 Miler this year and was drawn! I figured once that happened, I had to do it, right? It was a lovely race and we made a nice racecation of the weekend in Minneapolis. Good decision!
As a 63 yr. old runner who as been slapping the pavement for over 50 years ( and also pursuing 50 states) there will be races that you “just get through” -even when you think you are well trained. Then there will be races that you feel you shouldn’t even show up for that end up being spectacular successes. As Cheryl above mentioned – yoga, yoga, yoga and some basic cross training will get you to # 50 and feeling fine in your 60″s. Have fun!
Thanks for the insight. And yoga is so wonderful, isn’t it?
Congrats! Now you have less time to worry about it, and you are already trained.
I agree with Cheryl. I just turned 65, and do about 10 halfs a year. After a 20 year break, I ran 4 full marathons between 62 and 64. You have plenty of good years left!
I checked the list, and I have run 5 of the best half marathons, although 3 were actually full marathons. It looks like there are some good ones close by, or in places I want to visit.
I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s a well run event and if you are a beach person you’ll like the vibe of the sleepy off season town and the marshland and everything. I’ve run at this event a few times and the weather is usually great for a run. Have fun!
I ran this 1/2 with friends last year. It is very well organized and has one of the best post race meals I have ever had. The tent gets crowded, but you can’t beat the food selection. You’ll have a wonderful time!
No, every race I have ever run I have totally put my name in for or signed up for wanting to get in. :)
I think I would be more worried with fate!!!
In 2017 my cousin was getting married in Chicago the weekend of the marathon. We knew this only because they’d told us to make our hotel ressies early b/c of marathon weekend. My husband and I decided it would be “fun” to run the marathon, since we’d be there and all so we both put our names in and we both got in!! Honestly, one of the worst decisions of my life! (well, not really, but…) Didn’t really get to enjoy all the wedding festivities, was in heels the whole evening before the marathon, had to train through the Houston summer… but the nice thing was there was family there to cheer us on! And I finished, standing upright, and we had a great time the next day exploring the city!