Few things I love more than silly slang; as I wrote once on here, it’s reason #8,521 why I love my husband, Jack. In Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line – and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity, we have an Another Mother Runner Dictionary in the back with definitions for terms such as “barnacle buster,” “googly eyes,” and “releasing the cracken.” (Crack open our orange baby to see what they mean!)
So when a PR gal emailed us a bevy of catch phrases to toss around at mud runs, we had to share them. (They come from the CustomInk website where you can order T-shirts to wear for an upcoming Warrior Dash or Muddy Buddy.) And what better day to, um, talk dirty than TMI Tuesday, right?
n Bale Out – when you run and leap to secure footing on the hay bales, only to realize you didn’t get enough momentum and have to try again
n Bake n’ Cake – standing in the sun until the mud that covers you becomes a dirty crust
n Barbie-Queue – the line that forms at the barbed wire obstacle while people observe others and figure out their strategy
n Belly Slop – when you wrongly assume a mud obstacle is slick enough that you can slide on your stomach, and instead plant yourself stomach-first in the muck
n Birthday Suitors – those men who choose to complete mud races in various stages of undress, or in Speedos
n The Electric Slide – the maneuver you use to avoid live electrical wires in particularly challenging mud races
n Fon-dudes – men so totally covered in mud they look like they were dipped in a chocolate fountain
n The Freshwater 15 – the weight that your clothes and shoes gain after going through the first water obstacle
n Kicking Ash – clearing the fire hazard in one glorious leap
n Lemming – to jump off of a tall obstacle mindlessly following those in front of you without regard for your personal safety
n Mud Suds – the well-earned beer you down after crossing the finish line
n Official Debriefing – the recounting of your race tales while disrobing; usually held in a parking lot
n Slip Slops– what any pair of previously functional shoes becomes after you’ve completed the race
n Souv-in-ear – the keepsake dirt you find in your ear three days after the race
n Stick in the Mud – what you become as a result of a Belly Slop
n Sting Operation – when you’re finally able to shower and feel every one of the previously unknown cuts and scrapes
n Tire-Ran-Ass-Sore-us – the creature you become after successfully navigating dozens of tires
n Woodstocks – generic term for the farms, fields and other hinterlands that host mud race events
Lay it on us, mother runners: Do you have any “dirty words” to add to the list?
Mudical attention – The need to seek help from a medical professional after a mud run injury.