10 Runners. 26 Days. Follow Their Journey. Find Your Finish Line.
That’s the intro to FindYourFinishLine.Hylands.com, which debuts today. You may recognize Hyland’s from its Leg Cramps products (as well as a slew of other natural and homeopathic offerings) but it’s also the official cramp relief sponsor of the Boston Marathon. It’s also following a handful of marathoners leading up to April 20th. As the site explains, “In a marathon, everyone runs the same 26.2 miles but each of us crosses a personal finish line.” The most exciting part? Three of those marathoners are part of OUR TRIBE!!!
Meet Donna Malpeli, Meghan Hoobler, and Nicole Hart. Each have a unique running resume and perspective, and we’re psyched that Hyland’s offered each a bib for these Boston first-timers (although they have plenty of races under their respective belts) and we’re ready to cheer them along in the month leading up to the marathon and on race day. Find out what running the 2016 Boston Marathon means to each of our AMR runners, then head to their pages to read their full stories.
For Donna, running is about connection. Donna has a running buddy who supports her and pushes her to be better. Together, they ran to qualify for Boston and both hit their times. Yet, when the results were posted, her friend made the cut but Donna missed it by 20 seconds. It devastated both of them. When Donna found out she was going to Boston to find her finish line, she couldn’t believe it. She will reunite with her best running buddy at Boston.
Boston will be especially meaningful for Meghan because it will be the last training season for her with her mom running group. She sees Boston as a capstone for this time with her Momma running crew.
Last year, Nicole qualified for Boston in the New Jersey marathon. She was heartbroken to later discover that she had missed the cut off by just 43 seconds. Now, with another chance at Boston, Nicole sums it up as “just a celebration of everything that I’ve achieved.”
Aside from hearing from 10 runners through the month, Hyland’s has incorporated an expert panel including the likes of Dave McGillivray, race director of Boston Marathon, Bob Babbitt, Iron Man Hall of Famer, and….our every own Sarah Bowen Shea!
Check back at Find Your Finish Line for daily runners’ updates and search for #HylandsFYFL on social media to follow both the athletes and experts along the way.
Show your AMR pride and share your support for Donna, Meghan, and Nicole below in the comments section!
Go ladies, go!!!!!! Sooo happy and thankful for each of you!!!
Congratulations to all of you! I’m so glad you get to realize this dream!
Love it when sponsor bibs go to people who really earned them!
Excellent work, Ladies! I get verklempt just thinking of each of you making that final turn on to Boylston Street. You are in for such a treat, one that came with such hard work and determination. Enjoy! Enjoy!
How exciting! The BAMR community will remain behind you on your entire journey to and during Boston. Enjoy, savor and celebrate this outstanding accomplishment! Bravo…
Congratulations ladies! How to cool to be awarded a bib . Have an amazing run!
Congrats ladies! I look forward to following your journey.
Congratulations! So happy for each of you that you get a chance to reap the reward of all that hard training to qualify. I’m looking forward to reading about your journey.