If you’re like Emily and you’re looking to increase your endurance by running, give this episode a listen. Or maybe you’re like Diane, who wants to figure out how to juggle lifting heavy while training for a marathon. Finally, learn from Stacey’s question about fitting in an athletic hobby while aiming for a big goal (in her case, a 70.3 triathlon). The hosting duo have loads of advice for all three callers!
In the intro, Sarah and Dimity debate the implication behind being told you “look athletic.” Q+A’s commence around 11:30.
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Thanks for the response! Great info on this episode. Just to follow up on Dimity’s advice about rest vs. strength post long run, the Obliterate 26.2 plan does call for a recovery run and 20 min of strength session the day after every long run then a rest day after that usually on a Monday (though I shift my days to make it Sunday). I used to resist this philosophy when I first started advanced marathon training but now I think it really helps you to run on tired legs the next day and flush out any stiffness. I’ll try to shift my heaving lifting days to earlier in the week though and just back off altogether on my peak weeks.