Keeping the Dead Bug in regular rotation helps me stand up straighter. Truly.

Welcome back to Move of the Month.

Each month, we are going to showcase one (interesting, fun) move from an expert Train Like a Mother Coach that most runners can easily add to their routine to make their bodies more prepared for the miles.

This month, we’re hitting the core with Dimity, who likes to cheer really loudly in the Train Like a Mother Club. The Dead Bug with Swiss Ball is a variation on a move that physical therapists prescribe frequently; it’s safe for lower backs, provided you do it properly.

(Miss last month’s Nordic Hamstring Curl? Grab it here!)

A few pointers from Dimity, who learned this move from her PT, Alex Lanton of Atlas Physical Therapy in Denver.

First: Keep your spine glued to the floor beneath you; if you feel your back arch, you’ve extended your limbs too far.

Two: If moving an arm and leg simultaneously is too much, start with one arm, then one leg, and slowly build from there.

Do this move two to three times each week, whether to fatigue or in a couple of sets of 8-10 reps.