BEST FOR: Runners who want to complete multiple events in one weekend.
PREREQS: Ability to comfortably finish a 4-mile run – your first long run is 5 miles long. That said, because of the Ramp It Up options, this program is suited to a wide range of runners, from 5Kers looking to more than double their mileage to marathoners dialing back on distance and up in intensity. A desire to complete a 10-miler injury free with your body feeling strong.
Going Loony (covering 19.3 miles in 3 races over 2 days) is a delightful and doable challenge! This program is designed to get you across three finish lines feeling strong, capable and smiling. Some weeks, you’ll run five days a week, with an optional cross-training day, and other weeks, you’ll be lacing up six days. Other staples of the week: a mandatory rest day, and strength circuits. Most of the runs are at an easy pace so you can build up your cardiovascular base and not court injury. The longer runs go up to 11 miles to get you mentally and physically prepped for the demands of the distance, but a range is given in later weeks to accommodate all levels—and days where your legs haven’t shown up.
About halfway through the program, we introduce workouts where you’ll run in the morning and do a brisk walk in the evening. The idea behind these workouts is to run, rest, then go again—much like you will on Saturday, when you hit a 10k, then turn around and line up for a 5k quickly thereafter.
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