Many Nutritious Miles: Macro Basics

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8 Weeks: February 19-April 14

Are you confused—or maybe even annoyed by—nutrition advice that comes at you 24/7?

[Detox your body, boost your metabolism, use this protein powder, eat clean for 30 days, go low carb…]

We are too.

Enter: Many Nutritious Miles, a straight-shooting program led by sports nutritionist Jenn Giles, MS, RDN, CSSD, who is also a mother of four and endurance athlete.

We wanted to cut through sassy, confusing messages on social media and offer you the Building Blocks of solid, research-backed nutrition for active women of all ages.

Many Nutritious Miles offers three, eight-weeks Blocks in 2024: Macro Basics, Sports Nutrition, Active Lifestyle.

First up is Macro Basics, where we’ll cover the fundamentals of nutritional energy:
Fiber + Nutrients

Over the course of eight weeks, we’ll dive into each topic for two weeks, including what role it plays in your body’s physiology and your day-to-day activities; top-rated sources of it; and how to know if you’re getting enough to meet your active needs.

In addition, the Macro Basics features:
12-16 new, healthy recipes applicable to the macro basics
An Ask Me Anything weekly column from Jenn to clarify any questions you have;
Optional interactive elements if you want to go deeper into your pantry or fridge;
•  Two live Q + A calls over the course of the Block to check in personally and connect with Jenn.

At the end of eight weeks, you’ll feel much more grounded in your choices in your daily nutrition for you and your family—and be able to confidently mute the myriad messages on social media.

Registration Options: You can register solely for Block One: Macro Basics or join all three Blocks at a discount.

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The Details


Many Nutritious Miles has three, eight-week blocks in 2024: Macro Basics, Sports Nutrition, and Active Lifestyle.

8 Weeks: February 19-April 14

Registration opens: January 22

Fiber + Nutrients

8 Weeks: June 17-August 4

Registration opens: June 3

Pre- and Post-Race Recovery

8 Weeks: Sept. 23-Nov. 17

Registration opens: Sept. 2

Weight Management
Easy Meal Planning
Eating on the Road
Stress Management

Each eight-week block features:
Comprehensive written materials + an intro video for each of the four topics;
12-16 applicable, easy recipes;
Interactive elements for personal, real-life application;
A private Facebook group with a weekly Ask Me Anything with Jenn;
nd two live calls with Jenn to get your individual questions answered in person.

Many Nutritious Miles is a perfect program for you if:

    • you are looking to learn—or brush up on—the basics of nutrition in small, accessible bites;
    • you want a program that presents accessible fundamentals with the perspective of a female with an active lifestyle;
    • you like new recipes that can be used for a single individual—or an entire family;
    • you enjoy learning and interacting in a group environment.


Jennifer has 24 years of  experience working with athletes in all sports and of all ages. She thrives on helping athletes achieve their goals!

Jennifer also has a myriad of consulting experience from corporate wellness to clinical hospital settings to community fitness centers. What’s more, she sits on the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) dietitian registry and is an adjunct Professor of Sports Nutrition at Columbia University, her Alma Mater.

Jennifer’s background is unique in that she was a youth athlete (swimmer and softball player) turned adult athlete (runner, open water swimmer and triathlete) who married an athlete (runner and triathlete) and is now the mother of four athletes (swimmers, hockey players, and lacrosse players). She’s also a multiple Ironman Finisher and multiple marathon finisher, including the Boston Marathon.

In Many Nutritious Miles, each eight-week block has a different focus; each block has four topics we’ll cover.

The materials give an overview of the basics, and apply the topic to active women (in all phases of life) when appropriate. The written materials are accompanied by an explanatory video from Jenn.

In each block, we have two live Q + A calls with Jenn to go over the topic and answer individual questions. We put out a call for questions in advance and record the session, so if you are unable to make the live session, you will still have your question answered and can watch the replay at your convenience.

In addition, Jenn is on the private Facebook page, and she’ll post an Ask Me Anything post weekly.

All the materials from the block live in your account, so you can access them at any point.

Registration for Many Nutritious Miles is in three segments in 2024.

Starting January 22, you can register for Block One: Macro Basics OR all three blocks in 2024. This will be your only opportunity to save $75 and register for all three blocks.

On June 3, Block Two: Sports Nutrition opens for registration.

On September 2, Block Three: Active Lifestyle opens for registration.

Yes. The monthly materials will offer a variety of choices to fit all styles of eating. If you have additional questions, you can ask them during the monthly live Q + A.

We’ve added 12-16 recipes to each block, as well as interactive elements (like charting your protein, doing a sweat test, experimenting with breath work).

What’s more, Jenn is hosting a weekly Ask Me Anything on the private Facebook page, and we’ll have two live calls with her during each eight-week block. We’ve also added a weight management focus to the Active Lifestyle block.

The written materials and intro videos are the same as the previous course. That said, it’s always helpful to refresh the fundamentals in a straightforward, accessible way.

If you’re not a Facebooker, no problem. You’ll still have all the essentials of the program: the monthly materials and the Live Monthly Q + A, which is held over Zoom. (We put out a call for questions in the newsletter prior to the Zoom session.)

No, we are unable to offer refunds.

Additional information

Course Selection

Block One: Macro Basics (February 19-April 14), Sports Nutrition, Active Lifestyle, All 3 Blocks in 2024

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