Thanks to a question on Facebook, we’ve got the mother of all TMI Tuesdays today! There’s a little something for everyone, from wardrobe malfunctions to Code Browns and everything in between….
SBS and Molly. Further proof that every garment won’t fit every runner in the same way.
SBS kicks it off: It was in a Portland half-marathon called Race for the Roses, and it was the first race Molly and I were running together. I was SO excited: I got us cute matching outfits, including a running skirt, which, it turns out, was too short for my 5′ 11″ frame. Around Mile 7, a gal I’d met at the expo ran past me and started to talk to me. I excitedly turned to greet her. Turns out she’d caught up with me to let me know my bum-cheeks were hanging out from the built-in undies! Oy!
AJ: Serious out of nowhere code brown… I had to call my husband to come get me and to bring a towel. It was horrifying. He mentioned it the other day and apparently thought it was just a shart. I didn’t have the heart to tell him nope, it was a full on code brown. 💩 😨 💩
Speaking of blow outs… Stephanie F: I was about 3 miles from home, running through a park, when I felt a sudden cold draft on my nether regions. Ducked into a porta potty and sure enough, the crotch of my running tights had totally blown out. Fortunately I wasn’t commando, but it still was a long, awkward run home!
Gertrude swears it was just *a little* bra chafe.
Gertrude B: I met my kid and husband at the children’s museum at the end of my 22 mile long run. All the kids were horrified to see me. I didn’t lube up well enough and it turns out those wicking shirts REALLY disperse liquid.
Megan E: It all started off innocently enough, empty running trail, fog, Zombies, Run! app playing. I’m about a mile in and the episode is set at night and it was kinda creepy with the fog. I was starting to see things because I have an overactive imagination. Well, I’m looking into the fog and see a figure appearing. I laugh it off “boy, my imagination is in overdrive.” Then, the other runner popped through the fog and I screamed like a little girl. I mean – I screamed like someone was attempting to axe-murder me. The poor guy jumped and I’m yelling back an apology “I’m so sorry, it was Zombies, Run!” I could have crawled under one of the benches I was so embarrassed.
Kristi crosses Hope Pass. Eventually, she also found what she hoped for….
Kristi K wanted just one thing: I came running into the 50 mile turnaround at the Leadville trail race where my best running friend and her husband awaited me. As I rummaged through my pre-packed box, her husband asks “what are you looking for? I set it all out so I bet I can help you find it faster.” “A MAXI PAD, DAVE, I’M LOOKING FOR A MAXI PAD!” We all just bust up laughing. He said “I have a wife and 3 kids, I know what those look like. There isn’t one here but I heard another woman ask for a tampon so I bet we could find you one!” Runners are just good people.
How about you? Any TMI embarrassments to add?
I live in OKC and traveled to Tulsa for the Route 66 half-marathon a couple of years ago. I neglected to layout my clothes when I got to Tulsa so I did not realize I had left my sport bra at home until the morning of the race! I decided to wear my “regular” bra because I had nothing else. The weather was VERY cold and by mile 9 I was chaffed so bad I ducked into a porta-potty, stripped off my jacket, shirt, undershirt and bra. It was so hard to take off all those sweaty clothes then try to get them back on while shivering – UGH! I handed off my bra to my husband and ran the rest of the race “free”. Now I ALWAYS lay out my clothes when I arrive in a new city.
My story is similar to Gertrude’s. I was set to run 19 miles training for a fall marathon. So at this point of the training, the weather has cooled a bit in my part of the country and i was wearing a shirt with a lightweight running jacket. I didn’t have all my mojo that day and couldn’t finish. I was just at 18 miles and called the hubby to come collect me. I told him where I was but started to at least walk in that direction so he would see me as I was in one of the local towns. My legs were spent and so was my spirit so i looked like a sorry soul. As I was walking I felt burning in my chest area and looked down to see that my running bra chaffed so badly I bleed through my shirt and running jacket, and naturally, they were both white! Between the sorry look of defeat on my face, my dragging legs and the blood, I looked like the walking dead!
The worst is probably when the velcro blew out on my over worked boob holders. I had to basically run holding my bra up for the rest of the run. (now I carry a safety pin just in case!)