Sarah and Dimity re-connect with the four moms who shared their real-life weight and nutrition issues in earlier episodes to see how they are faring. Added into the mix is ultramarathon and nutritionist Stephanie Howe Violett, who offers insight and advice for women training for half- and full marathons. Included in the smorgasbord of topics they cover:

-how to make smart food choices when ravenous post-run

-what to eat for breakfast and dinner before a long run

-proper on-the-go fueling, especially when running for weight maintenance

-hormone treatments for perimenopause

-protein options for picky eaters

-teenage girls and bras (yeah, convo runs the gamut!)

There’s talk of Fourth of July “detritus” in the intro. The broad-ranging weight-loss conversation begins at 12:40.

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Laugh and learn with #motherrunner Lindsey Hein and weekly guests on her running-related podcast, I’ll Have Another