Sarah and Dimity offer advice:
-for Shuni about fighting nausea after a long run (+ not running in a fasted state);
-regarding mileage early in a training cycle for Jennifer;
-about blister issues suffered by Kerry; and,
-when to make eye contact and greet fellow runners in response to Other Sarah’s query.
In the intro, Sarah shares her experience after vaccine #2; at the very end of the episode, be sure to catch Dimity’s impassioned cyclist-rant.
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I run and cycle on a very popular trail in the Philadelphia suburbs and have run thousands of miles on it training for marathons. Runners are usually friendly the cyclists are usually awful – passing too close with little or no warning, yelling mean things at runners, just generally being bullies. That said, I can think of many occasions when women cyclists were very friendly and encouraging on the trail – letting us know how many cyclists were in their group, complimenting our colorful outfits, and sometimes just offering general “go get it” kind of encouragement. I can think of far fewer incidents like this that involved men. Perhaps some of it is men don’t want to creep out women by talking to them on the trail (I know my husband frets about this) but mostly I think they feel like they own the trail and the rest of us are just inconvenient to them.