Whether you’re a seasoned ultra-runner or curious about endurance challenges, this episode is for you. Hosts Dimity McDowell and Sarah Wassner Flynn talk with trailblazer Manika Gamble about her unique (and relatable) journey conquering the world’s toughest races.

The conversation covers:

  • Manika’s transition from collegiate hurdler to ultra-marathoner;
  • her experience as the first Black American woman to complete the Namib Race, a 155-mile ultra in Africa.
  • strategies that helped her push through extreme conditions;
  • lessons learned from a recent DNF;
  • advice for those looking to take on their first marathon—or any big goal—plus what’s next on her adventure list.

Inspired to join us on an upcoming adventure? Check out these programs:

Grand Traverse Hike & Trail Run (October 4, Duluth, MN) – A 10-27 mile trek along the Superior Hiking Trail.
Better Together at the City of Oaks (November 2, Raleigh, NC) – Choose from a 5K, 10K, half, or full marathon.

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