May 2017

Running After Breast Cancer: Benched by New Boobs

Hi, I’m Katie. I’m many things: a mom, a wife, a professional, an AMR team member, and I’m also a breast cancer survivor. I’ll be sharing my story here on Another Mother Runner as I get back into a regular running routine and train for a half marathon. I hope you’ll come along. Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Well, surgery #3 happened last Friday and I feel great! As everyone who has been down this path before told me, this surgery is a piece of cake compared to the bilateral mastectomy. I was in and out of the hospital in 5 hours and was able to make pancakes for my kids Saturday morning.  

Here are my girls the morning of my surgery. FYI: Fruit Loops cures all kinds of kid anxiety. #Youdowhatyougottado

The big bummer is that I’m benched from running for 3 weeks. I was late dropping my kids off at school on Monday (what’s new?) and I told them to start running to the door before it closed. I forgot, started running, and was in pain after one stride.  I guess I really will have to listen to the doctor on this one.

The sweet pictures my kids made for me.  “Do Your Best. Form Maeve.” I know in my heart that while this year has changed their lives forever, I truly believe that they are going to be stronger, braver, and more resilient in tough situations they face down the road. #girlpower

In the meantime, I don’t want to let all the work I’ve done January through April slip away. My plan is to take long walks 3x a week, take a few spin classes at CycleBar, and maybe even get back into yoga. I can barely lift my arms above my head, so I’m not sure how I’ll even be able to do a Downward Dog, but it won’t be the first time I’ll be laughed at in a yoga class!

How have you stayed in shape while you’ve been benched with an injury?

Want to catch up with Katie’s story? Click here.

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