Four Workouts for College Drop-off
Early run before our momentous road trip. by Kate Walton Last week I took my daughter Ava to college. I knew this milestone would be hard. Not just the logistics of a 2,100 mile round trip drive from [...]
Early run before our momentous road trip. by Kate Walton Last week I took my daughter Ava to college. I knew this milestone would be hard. Not just the logistics of a 2,100 mile round trip drive from [...]
I love making definitive pronouncements almost as much as I love being proven wrong about them. I don’t run. Cross-training? I’m a runner! Who has time for more? And why? Yeah, no. Strength training isn’t for me. That’s way too [...]
In a past life, I was a running shoe monogamist. I found just the right style that I knew would carry me forward for miles and then bought several pair so I had stock to spare. You know how this [...]
In August, we've asked our talented team of contributing writers to find three things that are connected to their running, and share them. Enjoy the light, loose theme—and be sure to chime in with your favorites in the comments! I [...]
The day before her time trial, Pam is dressed for success with a shirt quoting Kara Goucher. The Challenge “Well,” I say between labored breaths as I lie on the dew-damp blades of itchy grass inside the track, [...]
High school graduation—and we're off into new, fun territory. In 2018, my friend Katie and I did a little ditty of a race called Casco Bay Swim Run. You race in teams, and every team, of course, comes up with [...]
Right before Memorial Day, my college-age kid and I went to Florida to see my Mom. I hadn’t been down to Clermont, which is 45 minutes northwest of Orlando, since the end of 2019. I didn't intend to stay away [...]
Old Love (Sarah) “What I thought was fire was only the spark.” That song snippet has always spoken to me (it was one of my high school yearbook quotes), and it completely applies to I feel about Topo’s Phantom running shoe now [...]
FTP Test #1: February 24, 2021 I am taking the FTP—Functional Threshold Power—test prior to starting training for The Long Course Aquabike National Championships this fall. Numbers form the basis for all endurance sports, and cycling is no different. This [...]
Each month, we celebrate two athletes monthly in our #motherrunnner community. [because sports awards aren’t just for youth soccer] One athlete participates in our Many Happy Miles program and the other one is in a Train Like a Mother [...]