From: $135.00
    BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes who have their sights set on a sprint-distance race PREREQS: The ability to swim 100 yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge. It doesn’t have to be pretty, and you don’t have to keep your face in the water the whole time. If you can’t do that but are intent on this plan, enrolling in an adult swim class and/or private lessons is a great idea. For the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 12
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Runners who have been sidelined for 2 months or more and want find their running legs again PREREQS: Approval from your doctor or physical therapist to resume a weight-bearing activity. The ability to walk briskly for 60 minutes without pain. This demonstrates that the site of injury or bone can handle the impact forces of running. (See FAQ below for more details.) NUMBER OF WEEKS: 12-15 If you have had a long-term injury or illness, are postpartum, or simply hit a roadblock in life or motivation, this is an effective, safe, and fun program to find your running groove again. You'll spend 12 to 15 weeks–you go at the pace that works best for your body—incrementally getting stronger and running longer while two expert coaches, Jennifer Harrison and Elizabeth Waterstraat, will be by your (virtual) side the entire time.
  • BEST FOR: Beginner to experienced trail runners who want to train virtually as a group, then meet in person at the beautiful Blue Ridge Trail Races to conquer 15K (9.3 miles), 30K (18.6 miles), or 50K (31 miles). PREREQS For all three distances:
    • Ideally, a nearby trail you can train on at least 1x/week (more is better);
    • Hilly routes for training (either on the road or trail—or both) and/or access to a treadmill, stadium stairs, parking garage or something else with significant incline;
    • The time to commit to the running program AND the strength circuits and weekly yoga.
    • An injury-free body—or on your way to being injury-free.
    • The appetite and grit to dig into something challenging, fun, and muddy.
    For the 15K:
    • No trail running or race experience necessary.
    • For at least six weeks, you've been running 3 times a week, 10-15 miles total.
    For the 30K:
    • No trail running experience necessary.
    • For at least 10 weeks, you've been running at least 3 times a week, 15-20 miles total.
    • You've run a half marathon (on road or trails) within the last year.
    For the 50K:
    • You've run or raced trails within the past year.
    • You have run at least once marathon (road or trail) in the last year.
    • You have a current mileage base of 20-25 miles/week for at least 8-10 weeks.
    • Your weekly long run is in the 8-10 mile range.
    NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15K: 16 weeks; 30K: 16 weeks; 50K: 20 weeks RACE DETAILS: Blue Ridge Ultra; October 7, 2023; Blue Ridge, GA (about 90 miles north of Atlanta)
  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes who want the team spirit and extra features and perks of the Race Like a Mother Program PREREQS: The ability to swim 50 yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge. If you can’t do that but are intent on this plan, enrolling in an adult swim class and/or private lessons is a great idea. For the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. DATES: May 1 - July 22, 2022 (12 weeks) RACE DETAILS: The Forge Triathlon, July 22, 2023 Race Like a Mother is an immersive program that brings out the best in you as an athlete—and incorporates a supportive, in-person team spirit. For twelve weeks, you'll train virtually with a group of like-minded triathletes for The Forge Triathlon, a race designed with beginners in mind. Then, in late July, you'll gather in Lemont, Illinois (<30 miles outside of Chicago) to swim/bike/run and complete a sprint triathlon with the widest smile ever on your face. Please note: In order to make this a successful program, we need a minimum of 25 athletes to register by April 27. If we do not meet our goal, we will offer a full refund. (More details in questions + answers below.)
  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes who have their sights set on an Olympic-distance race PREREQS: The ability to swim 100 yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge. It doesn’t have to be pretty. (If you can’t do that but are intent on this plan, enrolling in an adult swim class and/or private lessons is a great idea.) For the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. Ideally, you have completed a sprint triathlon—or at least run a 5K and 10K. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 16
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • Off-Season Triathlon Training

    From: $50.00
    BEST FOR: Most athletes, whether you’re a beginner triathlete or an Ironman-to-be PREREQS: The ability to swim 100 yards (back and forth, back and forth) in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge; for the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. If you haven't done a triathlon before, that's okay: This is a great place to give the training a spin. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 5, 10, or 15 Maybe you finished your first sprint triathlon in August, and you’re chomping at the bit to try an Olympic-distance event next summer. Or you just finished your third Half-Ironman, and you’re committed to becoming a more efficient swimmer this off-season. Or maybe you found a delicious swim/bike/run groove during your training cycle, and you’re just flat out missing it. This off-season triathlon training program is for you.  
  •  If you’ve never been taught how to fuel for long training runs as you prepare for a half-marathon or marathon, it’s definitely a good fit.

    You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix.

    You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.
  • You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix. You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.
  • BEST FOR: Anyone looking to learn clear, science-based information regarding fueling during workouts; hydration; pre-race + recovery nutrition; and supplements. 8 Weeks: June 17-August 4, 2024 While running itself is fairly straight forward—pick a program, a race, and put one foot in front of the other—fueling for running is not so simple. To wit: How many carbs do you need to consume during a half marathon? (More than you think!) How many carbs should you eat before that half marathon? (Carb loading=a thing of the past.) How much water and electrolytes are ideal for your individual, active body? (It varies wildly!) Are there research-backed supplements that support your recovery and lifestyle? (Absolutely!) Enter: Many Nutritious Miles, a straight-shooting program led by sports nutritionist Jenn Giles, MS, RDN, CSSD, endurance athlete and mother of four who helps athletes from youth hockey players to 100-mile runners optimize their nutrition. Over the course of eight weeks, Jenn will help you dial your calories—and confidence. We'll dive into sports nutrition products (and offer some DIY options) as you personalize what works best for you; test your sweat rate so you can be sure you're getting enough hydration and electrolytes; detail optimal pre- and post-workout snacks; and give an overview of supplements that can be helpful—or harmful—to your active life. In addition, Many Nutritious Miles: Sports Nutrition features: Healthy recipes for a pre-workout nosh and a post-workout healthy treat; An Ask Me Anything weekly column from Jenn to clarify any questions you have; Optional interactive elements if you want to go deeper into hydration (hello sweat test!); supplements; and sports nutrition; •  Two live Q + A calls to check in personally and connect with Jenn. At the end of eight weeks, you will be confident in your nutritional choices around your workouts—and, as a result, feel stronger, more capable, and more energetic during them.
  • BEST FOR: Runners who want to complete multiple events in one weekend. PREREQS: Ability to comfortably finish a 4-mile run – your first long run is 5 miles long. That said, because of the Ramp It Up options, this program is suited to a wide range of runners, from 5Kers looking to more than double their mileage to marathoners dialing back on distance and up in intensity. A desire to complete a 10-miler injury free with your body feeling strong. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15 Going Loony (covering 19.3 miles in 3 races over 2 days) is a delightful and doable challenge! This program is designed to get you across three finish lines feeling strong, capable and smiling. Some weeks, you’ll run five days a week, with an optional cross-training day, and other weeks, you’ll be lacing up six days. Other staples of the week: a mandatory rest day, and strength circuits. Most of the runs are at an easy pace so you can build up your cardiovascular base and not court injury. The longer runs go up to 11 miles to get you mentally and physically prepped for the demands of the distance, but a range is given in later weeks to accommodate all levels—and days where your legs haven’t shown up. About halfway through the program, we introduce workouts where you’ll run in the morning and do a brisk walk in the evening. The idea behind these workouts is to run, rest, then go again—much like you will on Saturday, when you hit a 10k, then turn around and line up for a 5k quickly thereafter.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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    From: $610.00
    BEST FOR: Experienced triathletes taking on the #motherlode of all triathlons: an Ironman PREREQS: The ability swim 500 meters or yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge; being injury-free; Ideally, you have completed an Half-Ironman triathlon—or at least run a marathon—before taking an Ironman, but if you’re starting from scratch, this 36-week plan can help you get to the finish line happy and injury-free. The first week of the plan calls for a 45-minute ride and a 50-minute run; completing those durations shouldn’t be too much of a stretch. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 36  
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • Note: The shirt is no longer available with registration; we have adjusted the price accordingly. BEST FOR: Anybody up for 20-mile hiking adventure on June 15, 2024 in the Delaware Valley in NE Maryland at the Mammoth March event. PREREQS: You walk, run, hike or otherwise workout at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. NUMBER OF TRAINING WEEKS: 20 TRAINING START DATE: January 29, 2024 EVENT DATE: June 15, 2024

    Get ready to Hike—and Train and Laugh and Connect—Like a Mother!

    This 20-week program is built to prepare you for the Delaware Valley Mammoth March (20 miles, 1,700 feet of climbing) so all you have to worry about on The Day is taking in the scenery and taking in your calories. We will virtually train together, then gather on June 15th in person for the hike, which is in NE Maryland (close to Newark, Delaware) on the leafy trails of the Fair Hills Natural Resources Management Area. Over the course of twenty weeks of training, we'll focus on the endurance, strength, hydration and fueling necessary to complete 20 miles in 8 hours while enjoying (almost) every step of the way. Taking a day to head deep into Ma Nature–and away from the crowds—is always a day well spent. And doing that with like-minded teammates? Pretty much perfect.  
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