Need some strength moves for runners? You’ve come to the right place.

We’ve maximized those gluteus maximus muscles.

And we’ve hit the glute medius and minimus, two stabilizing muscles that contribute to keeping your hips strong and balanced.

So now it’s time for some Single-Leg Strength Moves: the Single-Leg Deadlift; Abduction + Adduction with Band; and Single-Leg Runners. You’ll need a resistance band, and if you have a dowel, ski pole, or broom handle, that will help with your form on the Single-Leg Deadlift.

Where did the inspiration for this come? It started with our Return to Running Program + accompanying podcast.

Dimity took a long list of strength moves for runners that Coach Liz Waterstraat put together that focus on stability and core strength, and broke them into a few categories.

The best part of the videos—besides a more stable lower half? They’re not just demonstrations. They’re the full workout, complete with (nearly) accurate counting of reps—and a few dog cameos.