Where Will Your Topos Take YOU in 2023?

If you’ve been around Another Mother Runner for awhile, you know that we like to celebrate all athletic achievements, big and small. Are you training for your first 5K? Fabulous! Gunning for a BQ? Also amazing. Lacing up your shoes after you’ve been sidelined by injury? Way to get back out there! Retiring from running, and trying out a new sport? We got you, girl. (P.S. Check out Dimity’s series in Women’s Running that tackles this topic.)

In the spirit of cheering on the AMR community around the world, we called up our friends (and fav running/hiking/walking/cross-training shoes) Topo Athletic and asked them to kick off a new series that will focus on three bad*ss mother runners in their 2023 athletic pursuits. We’re starting small with three athletes, but we will also highlight other athletes this year so be sure to send us an email at bamr@anothermotherrunner.com: Tell us what your athletic goals are in 2023, and we’ll reach out for the chance to be featured in the AMR newsletter and on AMR’s social channels!

Drumroll, please…introducing three BAMRs who have raised their hand to share their (BIG!) athletic goals with us in 2023! We will follow Laurel as she chases two (TWO!) Olympic triathlons later this year with a goal of finishing under six hours; we’ll cheer on Nicole as she crosses more states off the list in her 50-state marathon quest; and we’ll jump for joy when Rebecca runs her first-ever 30K trail race and mentors a half marathoner in October as part of AMR’s Better Together Program.

All three of these ladies will be training in Topo Athletic shoes. Laurel is a fan of the Phantoms, Nicole will be running in the Ultraflys, and Rebecca is hitting the trails with Mountain Racer 3s. We’ll check in with the gals next week for our first installment of their athletic adventures.

Want to try Topos for yourself? Use code TOPOAMRSMR for 15% off and expires on September 23. (Regular priced items only.)

NAME: Rebecca Atkinson


# OF KIDS AND AGES: 2 (12 + 10 years old)

PROFESSION: Customer Success Manager

WHAT ARE YOUR ATHLETIC GOALS IN 2023/2024? 30K Trail Race (1st time) October 2023; Mentor a half marathoner October 2023; Dopey (Disney race- 5k, 10k, half and full) January 2024

IF YOU COULD RUN A RACE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD IT BE? Ireland or Greenland- somewhere with cool temps and gorgeous scenery!

WHO OR WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO LACE UP YOUR SHOES AND GET IN YOUR MILES? Guilt? LOL knowing that later in the day I won’t have time and I know I’ll feel better once it’s done. I do love the feeling of “runned” legs all day after a good run.

train like a mother programs
many happy miles

NAME: Nicole Albright

HOMETOWN: Shippensburg, PA

# OF KIDS AND AGES: 1 (11 years old)

PROFESSION: Music Teacher- Band Director

WHAT ARE YOUR ATHLETIC GOALS IN 2023/2024? Cross off a few more states in the 50 state marathon quest – and run the Dopey Challenge in Disney World to celebrate my sister turning 40!

IF YOU COULD RUN A RACE WITH A CELEBRITY, WHO WOULD IT BE? Dax Shepard – he is very entertaining. He would have enough stories and gossip on other celebrities to keep a great conversation going for many miles.

WHAT TIME OF DAY DO YOU TYPICALLY EXERCISE? During the school year between 4:30-5:00am, during the summer 6:00am. I always keep it as the first thing I do.

NAME: Laurel Short


# OF KIDS AND AGES: 2 (10 and 7 years old)

PROFESSION: Nurse Practitioner

WHAT ARE YOUR ATHLETIC GOALS IN 2023/2024? 2023- complete Olympic tri in Omaha and Madison 70.3 (A goal under 6 hours in Madison). 2024- Flying Pig half marathon and tri race TBD!

WHEN AND WHY DID YOU START RUNNING? Age 17, when my dad asked me to train for a 5k with him. I was hooked!

IF YOU COULD RUN A RACE WITH A CELEBRITY WHO WOULD IT BE? Triathlete Heather Jackson- because she is a total badass athlete and radiates joy!

train like a mother programs