Nicole B 2

New Year, new book: Dimity and Sarah are eagerly awaiting the debut of their third book, Tales from Another Mother Runner, on March 3. To get you in on the excitement, every month on the podcast, they’re hosting one of the 20 contributors to the essay-filled book. Kicking off the party is Nicole Blades, a journalist, novelist, and mother runner of one in Connecticut. After a sharing her background as a runner, Nicole reads a make-you-laugh excerpt from her essay (listen closely and you might hear Sarah chortling in the background!). Then the ladies waste no time diving into TMI topics, including tactful phrases for pooping and tales of gas being passed. Learn that Nicole found her former running partner on Craigslist (!), and what three words describe her running.

First up, though, find out why Dimity’s thumbs got a workout on Christmas and why Sarah’s house is filled with twittering songs these days.

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