• BEST FOR: Truthfully, nearly every runner can benefit from an expert coach watching her form and offering feedback; the coach may uncover an injury-in-waiting or an easy way to increase efficiency. PREREQS: Are regularly injured;Are coming back from pregnancy, when alignment has shifted, want to increase speed, know they can be a more efficient runner, or are focused on minimizing the risk of future injury.

    A second set of eyes is always a good thing. whether you’re polishing up a work project or wondering if your living room should actually be painted orange.

    Your running form is no exception. In fact, except for race pictures, you rarely see yourself running. While you can feel balanced and strong on the run, your body’s subtle movements, which a seasoned coach can see, may be telling a different story. If your right hip drops with every step, or your posture is too upright, or your arms are spaghetti-like, you may be setting yourself up for an inefficient run (at best) or a serious injury (at worst).
  • Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Hike

    BEST FOR: Anybody who is looking to do the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim hike. PREREQS: A regular exercise routine: you workout at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20

    If standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon is breath-taking, hiking down, through, and up the Canyon is absolutely magnificent—and way less crowded.

    This 20-week program is built to get you away from the crowds and down into the Canyon and back up again, feeling strong and capable. The program's focus is not on speed, but rather on the endurance and strength necessary for a successful hike. Depending on your direction and route, you'll cover 20+ miles and climb and descend between 4,000-6000 feet of elevation, do you need to be physically and mentally ready for a long day as you go down, down, down before climbing up, up, up. Want more specifics? Check out Grand Canyon: Training + Logistics from Dimity, who hiked rim to rim in 2018.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes ready for a 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) PREREQS: The ability to swim 500 meters or yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge; being injury-free; and ideally, you have completed an Olympic-distance triathlon—or at least run a half marathon NUMBER OF WEEKS: 22
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • HEART + SOLE: 10K, Level 1

    BEST FOR: Beginner or intermediate runners looking to try a new distance beyond the 5K PREREQS: Consistent running or briskly walking for 20-30 minutes 3 days of the week for at least 8 weeks. Injury-free. No previous experience necessary in racing or in running by heart rate. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15 Heart + Sole: 10K, Level 1 is a 15-week program suitable for all runners wanting to take on 10K—or 6.2 miles. You’ll learn—or continue—to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend plenty of time in the lower zones, building your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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    BEST FOR: All levels of runners who want to use heart rate to guide their training. Whether you are coming off the couch, returning from an injury, finding your post-pregnancy groove, or simply wanting to take your fitness to the next level, this program is a healthy, sensible, and fun next step in your running journey. PREREQS: No running experience, fitness level, or specific athletic background is necessary; this program meets you exactly where you are fitness-wise and helps you become a more fit, efficient runner. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 8 In this Introduction to Running by Heart Rate, you’ll calculate your personal zones with one of two heart rate tests, and use that data to guide your training. You’ll test twice more during the eight-week program so you’ll be familiar with the process and be able to adjust your individual zones appropriately as you gain endurance and work up to a 75-minute run.

    BEST FOR: First-time half-marathoners or experienced half-marathoners who are new to training by heart rate PREREQS: Runs of at least 45-60 minutes 3-4 days of the week for at least 8 weeks. Injury-free. Previous race experience isn’t mandatory, but having a 10K under your soles will be helpful for perspective as your runs get longer. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20 Heart + Sole: Half-Marathon, Level 1 is a 20-week program suitable for all runners wanting to take on 13.1—or 21 km. You’ll learn—or continue—to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend plenty of time in the lower zones, building your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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    BEST FOR: Experienced half-marathoners looking to set a PR PREREQS: Runs of 50–60 minutes 4–5 days a week for at least 8 weeks. Completion of a half marathon or marathon within the past six months. Injury-free. Recommended completion of a Heart + Sole: Level I program (10K, half-marathon, or marathon), but that’s not a hard-and-fast rule. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20 Heart + Sole: Half-Marathon, Level 2 is a 20-week program suitable for experienced runners ready for a challenging program and a strong race day. You’ll continue to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend plenty of time in the lower zones, continuing to build your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, challenging yourself with progression runs and speed workouts, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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    From: $140.00
    BEST FOR: First-time marathoners PREREQS: Runs of at least 45-60 minutes 3-4 days of the week for at least eight weeks; injury-free. Previous race experience is not mandatory, but having a half-marathon under your soles will be helpful for perspective as your runs get longer. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20

    Heart + Sole: Marathon, Level 1 is a 20-week program suitable for all runners wanting to take on the motherlode of all races: the marathon. You’ll learn—or continue—to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend plenty of time in the lower zones, building your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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    BEST FOR: Experienced runners seeking a challenge and perhaps a marathon PR PREREQS: Runs of at least 60 minutes 4 days of the week for at least 12 weeks; injury-free; marathon experience within the last 18 months. We recommend having completed a Heart + Sole: Level I program (10K, half-marathon, or marathon). NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20

    In Heart + Sole: Marathon, Level 2, you’ll continue to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend a couple of runs weekly in the lower zones, building your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • Note: The shirt is no longer available with registration; we have adjusted the price accordingly. BEST FOR: Anybody up for 20-mile hiking adventure on June 15, 2024 in the Delaware Valley in NE Maryland at the Mammoth March event. PREREQS: You walk, run, hike or otherwise workout at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. NUMBER OF TRAINING WEEKS: 20 TRAINING START DATE: January 29, 2024 EVENT DATE: June 15, 2024

    Get ready to Hike—and Train and Laugh and Connect—Like a Mother!

    This 20-week program is built to prepare you for the Delaware Valley Mammoth March (20 miles, 1,700 feet of climbing) so all you have to worry about on The Day is taking in the scenery and taking in your calories. We will virtually train together, then gather on June 15th in person for the hike, which is in NE Maryland (close to Newark, Delaware) on the leafy trails of the Fair Hills Natural Resources Management Area. Over the course of twenty weeks of training, we'll focus on the endurance, strength, hydration and fueling necessary to complete 20 miles in 8 hours while enjoying (almost) every step of the way. Taking a day to head deep into Ma Nature–and away from the crowds—is always a day well spent. And doing that with like-minded teammates? Pretty much perfect.  

    From: $610.00
    BEST FOR: Experienced triathletes taking on the #motherlode of all triathlons: an Ironman PREREQS: The ability swim 500 meters or yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge; being injury-free; Ideally, you have completed an Half-Ironman triathlon—or at least run a marathon—before taking an Ironman, but if you’re starting from scratch, this 36-week plan can help you get to the finish line happy and injury-free. The first week of the plan calls for a 45-minute ride and a 50-minute run; completing those durations shouldn’t be too much of a stretch. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 36  
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Runners who want to complete multiple events in one weekend. PREREQS: Ability to comfortably finish a 4-mile run – your first long run is 5 miles long. That said, because of the Ramp It Up options, this program is suited to a wide range of runners, from 5Kers looking to more than double their mileage to marathoners dialing back on distance and up in intensity. A desire to complete a 10-miler injury free with your body feeling strong. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15 Going Loony (covering 19.3 miles in 3 races over 2 days) is a delightful and doable challenge! This program is designed to get you across three finish lines feeling strong, capable and smiling. Some weeks, you’ll run five days a week, with an optional cross-training day, and other weeks, you’ll be lacing up six days. Other staples of the week: a mandatory rest day, and strength circuits. Most of the runs are at an easy pace so you can build up your cardiovascular base and not court injury. The longer runs go up to 11 miles to get you mentally and physically prepped for the demands of the distance, but a range is given in later weeks to accommodate all levels—and days where your legs haven’t shown up. About halfway through the program, we introduce workouts where you’ll run in the morning and do a brisk walk in the evening. The idea behind these workouts is to run, rest, then go again—much like you will on Saturday, when you hit a 10k, then turn around and line up for a 5k quickly thereafter.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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