July 19: Anybody have a race right around then?

Find out how dairy product expiration dates effect Sarah’s race psyche!

Recorded when Dimity was mere days away from tackling her Ironman triathlon, the mother runners discuss the days (and hours and minutes) leading up to a starting line. They reveal when the reality of a race sets in for them: For SBS, it’s all about dairy product expiration dates; for Dimity, it’s often not until morning-of. They lament second-guessing elements of training, whether it’s foam rolling, core work, or end-of-run strides. (All fall under the category of, “shoulda, woulda, coulda,” for Sarah.) In their taper-talk, Dimity offers the pearl of, “Keep up on some intensity, but cut back on the volume.” Then Dim sums up toeing the line in a nutshell, “This is what we do.” And by “we,” she means mother runners.


Heads up: On Wednesday, July 17, we’re going to do our closest approximation of a call-in show (we love “Car Talk”!), and we need 6 to 10 women to partake. Here’s the deal: If you have a question to ask us—it could be about training, tempo, TMI, or any other running-related topic—email it to us at runmother [at] gmail [dot] com. To be one of the gals we include, you need to have a reliable internet connection, a Skype account, headphones (even cheapo earbuds work), and a quiet room during the hour from noon-1 p.m. Pacific on 7/17. Please respond by end of day Monday, July 15. We’ll let you know on 7/16 if we’re going to have you “on” our show!

**Also, the quickest way to get our podcasts is to subscribe to the show via iTunes. Clicking this link will automatically download the shows to your iTunes account. It doesn’t get any simpler than that!