As women, we know there's only one way to go: forward. Alas, often at a nonstop pace. This long-sleeve technical tee, with its three runners going to-and-fro in almost yin-yang circle, sums up that can-do, keep-going approach to life. This heathered navy blue tee boasts the image and words in white, buttery yellow, and goldenrod. It has a gracious women's cut in sizes XS to 4XL.
Sale!Badass BibBoards, the smarter way to hold a race bib securely in place! These custom-for-us BibBoards let you toss out safety pins and magnets and secure your race number securely without risking getting a hole or snag in your favorite tee or tights. Easily snap on and off for perfect placement. Practical and sassy, these reusable BibBoards add a bit of zhuzh to your race-day attire! Set of 4.
Proclaim to the world that you've conquered a marathon (or two, or three...) with this Another Mother Runner 26.2 magnet. Deep aqua-blue numbers are set off with our shoes in lieu of a dot, and it reads Another Mother Runner in the same juicy lime-green underneath the numbers. This marathon magnet, perfect for a car, fridge, or file cabinet, measures 4" across and 3" tall.
This high-quality vinyl sticker has attitude in spades: It's our favorite phrase, "badass mother runner," envisioned as "badass" tattoo'd on the knuckles of two powerful fists (plus our shoes logo, for good measure!), with the words, "mother runner" underneath. Perfect for use on a water bottle, laptop, your treadmill, etc. Measures 4" x 2"
December 1-31, 2024 BEST FOR: Anybody and everybody WHAT: A community-wide running program to keep you moving through the time of the year when daylight is in short supply and chaos rings like jingle bells. LENGTH: The 31 days of December Welcome to Joy to the Run, an Another Mother Runner Holiday Challenge! We are so excited to share this (joyful yet hectic) month of December with you. As you likely know from personal experience, the busier your schedule and longer your to-do list gets, the more important it is for you to take time to move. As you also likely know from personal experience, exercise gives us a clear path to a more balanced mind, a more patient perspective, and a chance to feel powerful and present. Which is why we're making this holiday running challenge free to everybody. Momentum, motivation, and inspiration thrive in camaraderie, and we want to make this joyous, sweaty December circle as wide and inclusive as possible. In the spirit of giving, we are including the opportunity to pay it forward with a donation to Still I Run, an organization that aims to assist the one in five Americans who experience a mental health condition in a given year.
Still I Run builds and nurtures a community of individuals dedicated to running for their mental health, encouraging everyone to take time out of their busy day to run or move for mental well-being. They work to promote the benefits of running, or any physical activity, for mental health, provide resources to educate and inspire, and dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness.