Last week, we highlighted our favorite moments of 2016, and we invited you to share your own. We’ll be posting them over the next two weeks so you can see how far you and your fellow runners have come: putting in the miles, shaving off minutes (seconds, too!), attacking those races like nobody’s business, or even just getting out on the road on a consistent basis.

First up, Jana Resch, who shared the following very impressive mileage and very emotional turning point on Facebook:


“Can I share something awesome? This has been a not so secret goal of mine for years. I have come super close before but always fell short due to illness or injury. In January of this year, after moving cross-country and leaving behind a huge running community, I sat on the floor of my bathroom and cried because I thought I’d lost everything about running I loved. I thought I was throwing in the towel. Instead, thanks to TLAM and HRT, I learned to love new things about my running and I finally met this longtime goal with 28 freaking days to spare. These miles are momentous not only because of their number, but because they are mine, alone. This is not only the most miles I’ve ever run in a year, this is the most miles I’ve ever run as a solo runner. Thanks for helping me learn to love running again, to find the peace that can come with solitude, and for the amazing virtual community that is TLAM.” —Mother Runner Jana

What mileage did you run this year? Share below in the comments section and check back tomorrow for more best Mother Runner moments of 2016.