Oh deer! Animal encounters on the run are rare, but they do happen. And in light of recent stories in the news about animals like bears, owls, and even cows roughing up runners and hikers on trails, the hosts have a chat with Sarah Daniels, an environmental consultant and accomplished runner from Colorado. To help empower us all when we’re out in nature, Sarah D. shares her wildlife safety stories and tips, including:

  • Strategies for maintaining distance and staying safe when she spots potentially dangerous animals;
  • The safety rules she instilled in her kids as a very young age; 
  • The best gear to bring on a run or hike to help with potential animal run-ins;
  • and much more.

Hosts Dimity and Sarah WF also chat about some memorable encounters they’ve experienced in the wild, including Dimity’s son Ben’s brush-up with a bear when he was 13. (Read more about that harrowing incident here.) They also share some tails from the trails (and, in some cases, sidewalks!) from our very own AMR community. 


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