
There were long chunks of my life when I ran six or seven days a week, which seems unimaginable to my 50-something self! Cross-training (plus daily P.T. exercises) allows me to run three, maybe four, days a week now. My main XT activity is swimming because 1. I adore being in water; 2. It makes my still-finicky back happy. 

Here are cross-training faves from some folks on Team AMR, plus how often they mix it in. 

April + Peloton

“I love riding my Peloton Bike: It’s so nice to have it in the garage with a library of thousands of workouts to choose from. It’s the perfect supplement to my running routine, and I do it two or three days per week. My favorite instructor is Robin Arzon: She’s inspirational without being cheesy, and she has the best playlists.” 

—April Hopkins, Train Like a Mother Club customer service

Coach Jen + swimming

“Swimming three or four times a week. The peacefulness of the rushing water and just being with my thoughts is divine. It is truly the only place I feel free and uninterrupted.”

—Jennifer Harrison, Heart + Sole and Triathlon Programs Coach

Britany + barre

“Barre or strength training because they help support my running goals while helping me gain/maintain muscle—win/win. Pre-pregnancy, I did this five days/week but postpartum, I’m at three days a week.” ”

—Britany Williams, podcast co-host + new mom

Brooke + walking

“I’m the worst about cross-training! If I’m not running, then I’m walking on my off days. I have the best intentions to strength train, yet I just can’t seem to make it a routine. I walk 3-5 miles four or five days a week. I love the time to decompress and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. It’s often how I spend time on my overnights as a way to get out of my hotel room and explore fun cities. I also love finding new routes around our neighborhood to check out landscaping ideas.”

—Brooke Thames, BAMRbassador Coordinator (+ Southwest Airlines flight attendant!)

Megan + yoga

“Yoga: I love how strong I feel after a class and with three kids ages five and under, I appreciate the time to focus and calm myself. How often? Whenever I can find the time. (Did I mention the three kids under 5?!)” 

—Megan York, graphic designer

SWF + Peloton

“About three times/week, I do Peloton bike rides, especially Power Zone training with Matt Wilpers. He’s a running coach, too, so he gets it, and there are many parallels between run and bike workouts.”

—Sarah Wassner Flynn, co-host Many Happy Miles podcast 

“Right now, it’s PiYo once/week: I’m not very flexible and I don’t care for yoga, but PiYo has upbeat music; challenging, quick movement; and is very focused on balance. My instructor is great about presenting ‘options’ for folks with a variety of abilities.”

—Erin Pavon, fractional CFO

Cathy + road biking

“Several times per week, I ride my road bike. During the winter, it sits on a stand and turns into a spin bike, but in the summer it lets me go many, many miles on scenic roads and trails. Any activity that gets me outside is ideal because I love the fresh air: It’s great for my legs, my lungs, and my brain.”

—Cathy Engstrom, newsletter editor