
While we hope the “family” of three Another Mother Runner podcasts are at the top of your listen-to list, we realize you probably have more hours of audio time than we can fill! Especially if you are staring down some long training runs for upcoming races. 

We tapped members of Team AMR to learn what podcasts they are enjoying these days, and why they dig it. 

Nobody Asked Us with Des & Kara

“I absolutely love the candor, humility, humor, and connection Des Linden and Kara Goucher made and share with us. They are two of my most favorite runners, and I would pretty much listen to anything they have to say.” —Amy Skorich, Traditional TLAM Club Programs Coach


“This is about a woman who faked cancer and got away with it for a long time. It’s mind blowing! There are eight episodes—not too short, not too long. It was very well researched and included a lot of people who were affected by the situation.”

—April Hopkins, Train Like a Mother Club customer service

Tara Lipinkski: Unexpecting

“Olympic figure skater Tara Lipinkski shares her 5-year-long infertility journey in raw, unedited conversations with her husband. I appreciate the honesty and her willingness to normalize infertility.” —Sarah Wassner Flynn, co-host Many Happy Miles podcast 

The Booker Prize 

“It’s about books!” —Ellison Weist, podcast co-host


One Year

“Each season of this smart show focuses on, yes, one year, then each episode delves into the intricacies of an event in that year. Typically the events aren’t banner-headline incidents, but more forgotten-over-time things, like No Crime Day in 1986 or 1995’s Macarena dance craze. The show is intriguing and well produced.” —Sarah Bowen Shea, podcast host + co-founder


“It was such a great deep dive into all things Laura Ingalls Wilder, but also incredibly emotional as the hosts talked about the soul-searching they went through as they researched and recorded the podcast. I actually teared up a little listening to the final episode.”

—Michelle San Antonio, Community Supporter 

Stuff You Should Know

“My husband and I started listening to this wide-ranging, long-running podcast on car trips. It’s a podcast where I always learn something, and it is friendly for all ages. When we would road trip with our kids, we would listen to it as a family. Now that my twins are away at college, it feels special when I listen to the podcast now while I’m working or driving.”

—Jennifer Harrison, Heart + Sole and Triathlon Programs Coach

Smartless with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett 

“The Smartless guys always have me laughing out loud, and I love the variety of guests they have on their show. It’s fun to hear them tease each other constantly, and I tend to learn something new from each of their guests. My family and I drove cross country two summers ago, and I listened to episodes to keep myself awake while driving in the middle of the night. Something funny caught me off guard, and my laughter woke up everyone in the minivan—oops!” —Brooke Thames, BAMRbassador Coordinator


“This show brings in a diversity of health and well-being subjects, making topics bite sized and palatable.” —Ellie Kempton, registered dietitian and Nourished program director