• BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes ready for a 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) PREREQS: The ability to swim 500 meters or yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge; being injury-free; and ideally, you have completed an Olympic-distance triathlon—or at least run a half marathon NUMBER OF WEEKS: 22
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • 10K RUN

    BEST FOR: Someone tackling a 10K for the first time PREREQS: Able to run/walk three or four miles comfortably; ideally have completed a 5K race and have a few months of consistent running or run/walking; if you’re a newbie to speedwork, no worries, we’ll ease you into it. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 12

    The Train Like a Mother 10K Run, a 12-week plan, is best for someone tackling a 10K (6.2 miles) for the first time, coming back from injury or pregnancy, or wanting to run a strong effort on 10K race day and cross the finish line with a smile on her face.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes who have their sights set on an Olympic-distance race PREREQS: The ability to swim 100 yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge. It doesn’t have to be pretty. (If you can’t do that but are intent on this plan, enrolling in an adult swim class and/or private lessons is a great idea.) For the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. Ideally, you have completed a sprint triathlon—or at least run a 5K and 10K. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 16
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: A new or returning runner trying to run the full 5K distance PREREQS: Able to run 20–30 minutes without walking at least 2–3 times per week. Race experience not necessary, but if you’ve pinned on a bib for a 5K or another race distance, cool. An injury-free body is key; if you’ve got lingering issues that are on their way out the door, be sure to keep up the physical therapy and/or foam rolling to continue to encourage their exit. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 8

    The 5K: Run Program is designed to train you to run a 5K race (3.1 miles of awesome!). You’ll build endurance and stamina with long runs; build strength with heart-pumping circuits and challenging, fun workouts (no, that’s not an oxymoron); and increase your speed with intervals and hill workouts.

    The 5K is the most welcoming and accessible running distance. Don’t let the shorter distance fool you, though: Running (and racing) a 5K can be crazy rewarding and just wee bit taxing. The good news? Training for a 5K can be as fulfilling as training for a longer race, but with less of a time commitment on your part.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Truthfully, nearly every runner can benefit from an expert coach watching her form and offering feedback; the coach may uncover an injury-in-waiting or an easy way to increase efficiency. PREREQS: Are regularly injured;Are coming back from pregnancy, when alignment has shifted, want to increase speed, know they can be a more efficient runner, or are focused on minimizing the risk of future injury.

    A second set of eyes is always a good thing. whether you’re polishing up a work project or wondering if your living room should actually be painted orange.

    Your running form is no exception. In fact, except for race pictures, you rarely see yourself running. While you can feel balanced and strong on the run, your body’s subtle movements, which a seasoned coach can see, may be telling a different story. If your right hip drops with every step, or your posture is too upright, or your arms are spaghetti-like, you may be setting yourself up for an inefficient run (at best) or a serious injury (at worst).
  • BEST FOR: If you’ve had a situation, goal, or issue swirling around in your brain for a few months, taking an hour to talk through it is a great way to clear up the clouds and gain perspective.

    Maybe you’re a newer runner, and want to plot out your upcoming year of races with an experienced coach.

    Maybe you’ve had a disappointing race, and you need to talk through it—and get psyched for another training cycle. Maybe you’ve had a string of injuries, and are finally ready for an in-depth conversation about how to break the cycle. Maybe you’ve got your eye on a Boston-qualifying time, and need to know how to nab that sucker. Maybe you’re thinking of transitioning from runner to triathlete—or vice versa—and want help and want help laying out the steps (and strokes!) you’ll take. If you’re in one of these—or countless other what-do-I-do now—scenarios, a Coaching Consult is the perfect next step for you.
  •  If you’ve never been taught how to fuel for long training runs as you prepare for a half-marathon or marathon, it’s definitely a good fit.

    You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix.

    You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.
  • BEST FOR: Those running for the first time or returning after some time off PREREQS: Able to complete a brisk walk or a run/walk combo for a continuous 15-20 minutes. Ideally you've been working out for 20 minutes a couple times a week for at least a month, however if you don’t meet the exact qualifications, no biggie, it will still work. This program is perfect for those who’ve never run before, are coming back to running from an injury, having a baby, or other running hiatus. If you have been injured, please stay on top of any prescribed physical therapy, foam rolling and other rehab techniques so you can stay injury free. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 12

    The 5K is the most welcoming and accessible training cycle and race; the training program and race distance is perfect for those running for the first time or returning after some time off. As you train for your 5K, you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall strength with cross-training and other workouts that include hills (promise, they’re more fun than they sound!) and speedier sessions.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • PROGRAM DATES: Rolling admission. Your program begins the Monday after you register. BEST FOR: Women interested learning how to get more comfortable +  knowledgeable about cycling. PREREQS: You do need to know how to ride a bike, but you don’t need to be able to ride it far. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 8 Riding a bike is fairly simple, but cycling—riding a bike for a workout—can be a little more complex. Not only do you need to be able to handle your bike capably and use your gears smoothly, you also need to navigate traffic, climb efficiently, descend safely, and give enough effort so you feel like you've had a good workout. (And don't even get us started on changing a flat tire...) If you're interested in becoming a more capable cyclist and/or want to integrate cycling into your running routine, Become a Cyclist is the perfect program for you. Coaches Jennifer Harrison and Elizabeth Waterstraat will be virtually hanging out in the back pocket of your cycling jersey, teaching you all the best tips + tricks they know as well as answering any questions along the way. In addition, your teammates—like-minded women also getting their cycling legs underneath them—will be doing the exact same workouts as as you. In other words, you may be riding solo, but you're far from alone.
  • PROGRAM DATES: Rolling admission; the program starts the Monday after you register. BEST FOR: Runners looking to expand their training to the trails! PREREQS: You need to be a regular runner—at least 30-40 minutes, 3-4 times a week for at least six weeks–with no current injuries. The first week of training features a 50-minute run, as well as some hill repeats and a trail run. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 8

    When you’re running on dirt through trees, not on pavement through suburbia, your spirit has the opportunity to truly soar. With cars, buildings, and other distractions to a minimum, you breath in the fresh air, flow through nature, and connect with your surroundings—and yourself—on a more fundamental level.

    That said, running on trails can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before. Taking your miles off-road means adjusting your effort and paces; getting your body and running form ready for uneven, sometimes jarring terrain; acquiring the correct gear for more advanced trails; and having the basic skills to feel strong so you can run with confidence on all trails.
  • BEST FOR: Runners who want to complete multiple events in one weekend. PREREQS: You’ve been running at least 30–45 minutes 3–4 days of the week for at least 8 weeks. You’re injury-free. You don’t need previous experience running by heart rate, but it is helpful if you have run a half-marathon at some point. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 24

    Disney Races are truly magical events. After all, where else can you start under fireworks, kiss Prince Charming, joke around with Donald and Daisy, and Let It Go with Elsa, then cross a finish line and receive some serious bling?

    However, two to four finish lines over as many days will not be magical if you are not properly prepared. If you’re slogging through the miles and barely able to muster a smile—let alone a bicep curl—for a shot with Wreck-It-Ralph, your Dopey or Goofy extravaganza will be memorable. Just not for the right reasons. With this 24-week, hands-on program starting on July 29, 2024, we’ve got your back and are laying a white-glove-clad, oversize hand firmly on it. The training plan we’ve created emphasizes both muscular and cardiovascular endurance and time on your feet: keys you’ll need to run every mile with a smile. But it's not all about the running. We'll be sure you're fueling properly for all your long runs. We’ll make sure your hips and glutes, typically the weak spots for most runners, are rock solid. We’ll have some fun too, brainstorming costume ideas and ideas. We'll entertain and educate you with podcasts and newsletters, and, of course, hit race strategies so that you not only enjoy your Dopey or Goofy Challenge, you’ll nearly fly during each mile. The end result? You feel primed and totally ready to run either challenge: The Dopey: 5K, then a 10K, then a half-marathon, then a marathon or the Goofy: a half-marathon then a marathon—no pixie dust required. Save
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Runners who want to complete multiple events in one weekend. PREREQS: Ability to comfortably finish a 4-mile run – your first long run is 5 miles long. That said, because of the Ramp It Up options, this program is suited to a wide range of runners, from 5Kers looking to more than double their mileage to marathoners dialing back on distance and up in intensity. A desire to complete a 10-miler injury free with your body feeling strong. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15 Going Loony (covering 19.3 miles in 3 races over 2 days) is a delightful and doable challenge! This program is designed to get you across three finish lines feeling strong, capable and smiling. Some weeks, you’ll run five days a week, with an optional cross-training day, and other weeks, you’ll be lacing up six days. Other staples of the week: a mandatory rest day, and strength circuits. Most of the runs are at an easy pace so you can build up your cardiovascular base and not court injury. The longer runs go up to 11 miles to get you mentally and physically prepped for the demands of the distance, but a range is given in later weeks to accommodate all levels—and days where your legs haven’t shown up. About halfway through the program, we introduce workouts where you’ll run in the morning and do a brisk walk in the evening. The idea behind these workouts is to run, rest, then go again—much like you will on Saturday, when you hit a 10k, then turn around and line up for a 5k quickly thereafter.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate triathletes who want the team spirit and extra features and perks of the Race Like a Mother Program PREREQS: The ability to swim 50 yards in a pool without touching the bottom or hanging on the edge. If you can’t do that but are intent on this plan, enrolling in an adult swim class and/or private lessons is a great idea. For the run and bike portions, being injury-free is necessary. DATES: May 1 - July 22, 2022 (12 weeks) RACE DETAILS: The Forge Triathlon, July 22, 2023 Race Like a Mother is an immersive program that brings out the best in you as an athlete—and incorporates a supportive, in-person team spirit. For twelve weeks, you'll train virtually with a group of like-minded triathletes for The Forge Triathlon, a race designed with beginners in mind. Then, in late July, you'll gather in Lemont, Illinois (<30 miles outside of Chicago) to swim/bike/run and complete a sprint triathlon with the widest smile ever on your face. Please note: In order to make this a successful program, we need a minimum of 25 athletes to register by April 27. If we do not meet our goal, we will offer a full refund. (More details in questions + answers below.)
  • BEST FOR: Beginner to experienced trail runners who want to train virtually as a group, then meet in person at the beautiful Blue Ridge Trail Races to conquer 15K (9.3 miles), 30K (18.6 miles), or 50K (31 miles). PREREQS For all three distances:
    • Ideally, a nearby trail you can train on at least 1x/week (more is better);
    • Hilly routes for training (either on the road or trail—or both) and/or access to a treadmill, stadium stairs, parking garage or something else with significant incline;
    • The time to commit to the running program AND the strength circuits and weekly yoga.
    • An injury-free body—or on your way to being injury-free.
    • The appetite and grit to dig into something challenging, fun, and muddy.
    For the 15K:
    • No trail running or race experience necessary.
    • For at least six weeks, you've been running 3 times a week, 10-15 miles total.
    For the 30K:
    • No trail running experience necessary.
    • For at least 10 weeks, you've been running at least 3 times a week, 15-20 miles total.
    • You've run a half marathon (on road or trails) within the last year.
    For the 50K:
    • You've run or raced trails within the past year.
    • You have run at least once marathon (road or trail) in the last year.
    • You have a current mileage base of 20-25 miles/week for at least 8-10 weeks.
    • Your weekly long run is in the 8-10 mile range.
    NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15K: 16 weeks; 30K: 16 weeks; 50K: 20 weeks RACE DETAILS: Blue Ridge Ultra; October 7, 2023; Blue Ridge, GA (about 90 miles north of Atlanta)
  • BEST FOR: Anybody who is looking to do an epic day hike: Yosemite's Half Dome, a Colorado 14'er (or 13'er!), The Enchantments, or a similar challenge. PREREQS: A regular exercise routine: you workout at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 20

    Taking a day to head deep into Ma Nature–and away from the crowds—is always a day well spent.

    This 20-week program is built to so you can feel strong and capable on a day-long epic hike. In other words, on your target hike, you'll be so prepared, all you have to focus on is taking in the scenery and taking in calories regularly. The program's focus is not on speed, but rather on the endurance and strength necessary for day when you are out on a trail for 8-12 hours (or longer!). We've designed this program to work for all kinds of hikes from Yosemite's Half Dome to a Colorado 14'er to The Enchantments. In addition to plenty of climbing to build lower body strength + endurance during the weekdays, your longest training days will be a percentage of the elevation and mileage you'll cover on your epic hike day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • Note: The shirt is no longer available with registration; we have adjusted the price accordingly. BEST FOR: Anybody up for 20-mile hiking adventure on June 15, 2024 in the Delaware Valley in NE Maryland at the Mammoth March event. PREREQS: You walk, run, hike or otherwise workout at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. NUMBER OF TRAINING WEEKS: 20 TRAINING START DATE: January 29, 2024 EVENT DATE: June 15, 2024

    Get ready to Hike—and Train and Laugh and Connect—Like a Mother!

    This 20-week program is built to prepare you for the Delaware Valley Mammoth March (20 miles, 1,700 feet of climbing) so all you have to worry about on The Day is taking in the scenery and taking in your calories. We will virtually train together, then gather on June 15th in person for the hike, which is in NE Maryland (close to Newark, Delaware) on the leafy trails of the Fair Hills Natural Resources Management Area. Over the course of twenty weeks of training, we'll focus on the endurance, strength, hydration and fueling necessary to complete 20 miles in 8 hours while enjoying (almost) every step of the way. Taking a day to head deep into Ma Nature–and away from the crowds—is always a day well spent. And doing that with like-minded teammates? Pretty much perfect.  
  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate runners who have their sights set on a 15K trail run. PREREQS: Have run at least one 10K (road or trail) in the last year; been running or walking consistently for at least 6 months; have a current mileage base of 10-12 miles/week for at least 8-10 weeks; no injuries, or are on your way to being injury-free—and willing to do the PT work you need to do to stay that way; a nearby trail you can train on at least 1x/week (more is better); time to commit to the running program AND the strength circuits and weekly yoga. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 16 Each week, there are five runs (one is an optional hike); two strength circuits; one yoga session; and one rest day. Together, the combination builds a strong, capable body + mind so you can go the distance, feeling solid and happy, on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate runners who have their sights set on a 30K trail run. PREREQS: Have run at least one 10K (road or trail) in the last year; been running or walking consistently for at least 6 months; have a current mileage base of 15 miles/week for at least 8-10 weeks; no injuries, or are on your way to being injury-free—and willing to do the PT work you need to do to stay that way; a nearby trail you can train on at least 1x/week (more is better); time to commit to the running program AND the strength circuits and weekly yoga. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 16 This 16-week program is designed to get you to the starting line of a 30K trail event feeling race-ready and strong. There is quite a bit of elevation work in the training because most trail races have plenty of hills. Even if your race is relatively flat, you will gain strength and speed through lots of climbing. Each week, there are five runs (one is an optional hike); two strength circuits; one yoga session; and one rest day. Together, the combination builds a strong, capable body + mind so you can go the distance, feeling solid and happy, on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • BEST FOR: Anybody who wants to run the 8K, Half Marathon or Marathon in Richmond, Virginia on November 16, 2024 as part of a team. "Better Together is the only way I want to do races now," proclaimed participant Sarah J. after her 2023 Better Together marathon finish line, and we couldn't agree more. Better Together combines everything that makes Another Mother Runner great: the power of community, a place to show up exactly how—and who—you are, proven training programs, and a collective finish line to celebrate. Whether you want to bring a friend and run the 8K side-by-side, aim for a PR in the half marathon, or take on your very first 26.2, Better Together turns your training cycle and race day into a team effort. As you train for the distance of your choice, you'll have training buddies (either virtual or IRL), regular team meetings to check-in with your coaches and teammates, and the feeling that you're part of something bigger than the splits on your GPS. Then, we'll gather for a celebratory race experience in Richmond, which proclaims itself America's Friendliest Marathon (and half marathon and 8K) for Better Together. Coincidence? We think not. TRAINING DETAILS 8K: 12-week program; training begins August 26, 2024 Half Marathon: 15-week programs; training begins August 5, 2024 Marathon: 18-week programs; training begins July 15, 2024 RACE DETAILS: Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon and 8K, November 16, 2024 Register for your race distance, and you'll receive an email with more details and next steps.
  • BEST FOR: Anyone looking to learn clear, science-based information regarding fueling during workouts; hydration; pre-race + recovery nutrition; and supplements. 8 Weeks: June 17-August 4, 2024 While running itself is fairly straight forward—pick a program, a race, and put one foot in front of the other—fueling for running is not so simple. To wit: How many carbs do you need to consume during a half marathon? (More than you think!) How many carbs should you eat before that half marathon? (Carb loading=a thing of the past.) How much water and electrolytes are ideal for your individual, active body? (It varies wildly!) Are there research-backed supplements that support your recovery and lifestyle? (Absolutely!) Enter: Many Nutritious Miles, a straight-shooting program led by sports nutritionist Jenn Giles, MS, RDN, CSSD, endurance athlete and mother of four who helps athletes from youth hockey players to 100-mile runners optimize their nutrition. Over the course of eight weeks, Jenn will help you dial your calories—and confidence. We'll dive into sports nutrition products (and offer some DIY options) as you personalize what works best for you; test your sweat rate so you can be sure you're getting enough hydration and electrolytes; detail optimal pre- and post-workout snacks; and give an overview of supplements that can be helpful—or harmful—to your active life. In addition, Many Nutritious Miles: Sports Nutrition features: Healthy recipes for a pre-workout nosh and a post-workout healthy treat; An Ask Me Anything weekly column from Jenn to clarify any questions you have; Optional interactive elements if you want to go deeper into hydration (hello sweat test!); supplements; and sports nutrition; •  Two live Q + A calls to check in personally and connect with Jenn. At the end of eight weeks, you will be confident in your nutritional choices around your workouts—and, as a result, feel stronger, more capable, and more energetic during them.

    From: $150.00
    BEST FOR: Beginner to intermediate runners who have their sights set on a 50 Mile race, likely on trails. PREREQS: Have completed a 50K within 12 months of starting program; no injuries, or are on your way to being injury-free—and willing to do the PT work you need to do to stay that way; have a nearby trail you can train on at least 1x/week (more is better); a nearby physical therapist who knows your body + your goals and who you can see regularly, especially in the thick of training; a foam rolling routine you will complete regularly (at least 3x a week); enough time to train and recovery properly (time to prepare food + eat well, foam roll, get adequate sleep) NUMBER OF WEEKS: 22

    This 22-week 50 Mile program is designed for beginner to intermediate runners who have their sights set on a 50 Mile race, likely on trails. There are five to six weekly runs and two weekly strength circuits that build a strong, capable body + mind so you can go the distance, feeling solid and happy, on race day.

    If you don’t meet them but are drooling at the thought of a 50 Miler, please email us at tlamclub@anothermotherrunner.com and we’ll chat.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • HEART + SOLE: 10K, Level 1

    BEST FOR: Beginner or intermediate runners looking to try a new distance beyond the 5K PREREQS: Consistent running or briskly walking for 20-30 minutes 3 days of the week for at least 8 weeks. Injury-free. No previous experience necessary in racing or in running by heart rate. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 15 Heart + Sole: 10K, Level 1 is a 15-week program suitable for all runners wanting to take on 10K—or 6.2 miles. You’ll learn—or continue—to train by heart rate, using your individual zones, calculated by regular testing, to moderate your effort appropriately. You’ll spend plenty of time in the lower zones, building your endurance base; you’ll also spend some time climbing hills, finding different gears with pick-ups and intervals, and practicing your race pace so that you’re ready to thrive on race day.
    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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  • You’ve been faithfully following the training program: putting in the miles and doing the strength circuits. You’re going to bed before 10 pm, you’ve eliminated your nightly glass of wine, and you’re even foam rolling as you watch Queer Eye on Netflix. You’re doing everything right, so why do you lose steam during your long runs—and sometimes even your shorter ones? Chances are, it’s your nutrition. You’re not properly fueling before and after, and most importantly, during your runs. And when you don’t eat for running performance and endurance, your GI tract might revolt. Your legs might feel heavy. You might get a killer headache or you might feel nauseous. Or the running-sucks-or-maybe-I-just-suck track might play on repeat in your head. Or you simply might incrementally peter out, like a car whose gas gauge inches towards E.
  • 26.2: OBLITERATE

    From: $100.00
    BEST FOR: Well-trained and experienced marathoners PREREQS: Runners should have at least three marathons in the past three or four years; have established a solid base (long runs begin at 10 miles and the first week totals 27 miles); an injury free body. You will hit the ground running (literally!), so be mentally and physically ready for that reality. NUMBER OF WEEKS: 18

    Point blank: 26.2: Obliterate the Distance is our toughest traditional running plan, and you should be well-trained and injury free to even consider it. It’s going to take some deep digging and dedication, not to mention a big investment in time.

    We want you to have at least three marathons under your belt and a good base in those legs (read: at least five years of running). That said, if you’re after a BQ or a PR, this plan is your best shot. You’re going to come out of this program stronger than ever and ready to take things to the next level. You’ll run hills and mile repeats, hang in during tempo sessions, and spend plenty of time at race pace. You’ll also hammer out eight runs that are 15 miles or longer, but there are two cutback weeks woven into the first 15 weeks before you taper.

    • *Race Date

      Step One: Select your race date:

      If you don’t know your race date yet, please select a date that you estimate will be close to your race date. When you solidify it, let us know and we can change it.

      Training Date

      Step Two: Your training will begin on:

      Mark this date in your calendar as your official start date! (If your program has already started, no worries; email us and we’ll help you jump in.)

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